Monday, April 20, 2009

Moms Fight Over Slum Dog Kid

A spectacular catfight between the mother and stepmother of Slumdog Millionaire star Rubina Ali has been caught on camera.
Tearing at each other's hair and slapping each other across the face, the two women traded blows - watched by Rubina - in the middle of Mumbai's Garib Nagar slums as neighbours watched yesterday.
The bitter fight over custody of Rubina - who was abandoned as a baby by her mother and raised by father Rafiq Qureshi and stepmother Munni - started after reports that Qureshi tried to ‘sell’ his daughter.
Qureshi was arrested over allegations that he offered to trade the nine-year-old for £200,000 in an illegal adoption deal. He denies this and insists he is being framed.
Holding the girl’s stepmother by the scruff of the neck and repeatedly slapping her, Rubina's mother Khushi screamed: 'You treacherous b*tch, give my daughter back.'
Neighbours said Khushi had rushed to grab her share of the money her ex-husband was about to make, after allegations he had agreed to sell Rubina appeared in the News of the World.
The fight was the second between the two women, who first came to blows after Rubina returned from the Oscars.
Khushi said: 'My husband must have hidden Rubina. I am sure that they want to sell my daughter. They want to bank on her stardom, and that's why they wanted her custody.’
After seeing Munni talking to reporters, Khushi launched a verbal attack, accusing Munni of using black magic to control Rubina.As neighbours rushed to break up the catfight, an outnumbered Khushi grabbed a wooden stick and again attacked her rival.
With tears rolling down her face, Rubina's stepmother said: 'Khushi has been after Rubina since the time she went to the Oscars. For seven years before that, she didn't care.
'Why would we sell Rubina? She is her father's favourite. I love Khushi's children more than she would have loved them.'
Following the fight, Qureshi said: 'As far as Khushi is concerned, she left Rubina when she was two years old. Why should we give her custody now? The children are happy with us.
‘These reports are not true. I went to the hotel to shoot an ad film. I would never sell my daughter.’
Rubina played the young heroine Letika in the movie, which has grossed £185million worldwide and swept the board at the Oscars.
It had been hoped that the film's success would transform Rubina's life.
But her father and an uncle were said to have claimed that they are being forced to put her up for sale because the family has not received enough of the proceeds.
They were accused of using her fame as a bargaining tool to push up the price they can get for her - first asking £50,000 and later quadrupling the amount.
The uncle, Moihuddin Qureshi, was said to have told an undercover reporter: 'The child is special now. This is not an ordinary child. This is an Oscar child.'
The claims were made following a 'sting' operation by the News of the World, which said it had been alerted that the child was for sale in a tip-off from a former family neighbour.
It was reported that the little girl, her father and uncles all went to a hotel to meet the 'prospective buyers', supposedly a family from Dubai, to discuss the deal in detail.
A source close to the family told the Daily Mail: 'Rafiq was told to bring Rubina to the hotel, where a rich man wanted to discuss a job with him.
'He happily agreed because Rubina can earn good money since her Slumdog success. She has had many movie offers. Rafiq didn't understand everything that was being said to him but he was happy to discuss money for a well-paying job for his daughter. He loves her like any father loves his daughter.
According to the News of the World, Mr Qureshi is desperate to make the most of his daughter's success and get them out of their hut in the Mumbai slum known as Poor Man's Colony.
It claimed he had already been approached by a family from Dubai, but was hoping to start a bidding war.
Rafiq allegedly directed a reporter to his brother-in-law Rajan More, who said: 'Rubina's life is miserable. Obviously if you wanted to adopt, we could discuss this, but her parents would expect some proper compensation return. We are talking around £50,000 for this to happen.'

Jacked From Daily Mail


Anonymous said...

It was a spectale indeed. I mean nothing we haven't seen on Jerry! Jerry! Seriously, the dad should be in prison. My heart goes out to those innocent children. S.M. is an excellent movie.

Anonymous said...


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