Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shit Just Got Real

The L.A. County Coroner has ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide. The L.A. Times reports that a search warrant filed in Houston states that after an autopsy was conducted, deadly amounts of of the anesthetic propofol were found in Michael's body. This means that Michael's doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, will most likely face criminal charges.

Dr. Con had admitted to detectives that he gave Michael 50 milligrams of propofol every day. Dr. Con also said he was afraid Michael was starting to get addicted to the shit, so he tried to wean him off. Dr. Con?! More like Dr. Obvious!

Dr. Con lowered the dosage to 25 milligrams, but also mixed in a little lorazepam and midazolam.

On the morning of Michael's death, Dr. Con said he tried to get him to sleep without using propofol, so he gave him a valium at 1:30. When that didn't work, he gave him a shot of lorazepam thirty minutes later. And when that didn't work, he gave him a shot of midazolam thirty minutes after that. As the hours went by, Dr. Con kept feeding Michael various drugs, but nothing was working. At 10:40am, Michael demanded that Dr. Con give him a shot of propofol. Dr. Con gave in. After he gave him the propofol, he went to the bathroom. When he came back 2 minutes later, Michael was not breathing.

The cops found 8 bottles of propfol in Michael's home, but none of it traces back to Dr. Con. They aren't sure who purchased it or where. Other pills and vials found in Michael's house were prescribed by various doctors including Dr. Con, Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger.

All I can say is that...LA TOYA JACKSON WAS RIGHT!!! We should never ever doubt anything she says ever again! La Toya Jackson knows. Always.

Jacked from Dlisted


Anonymous said...

Well Latoya WAS a 'psychic friend' at one time right???? Bump HER, after the initial reports after MJ's death, and the call tape that was played on CNN, AMERICA KNEW that Dr. Conrad was some kind of SHADY!!!! How you gonna be a doctor and give somebody CPR on a freakin' BED????? WHAT REAL DOCTOR DOES THAT????

Wild Safari said...

You'll go crazy listening to LaToya. She's recruiting. As for Dr. Murray, he knows he effed up and now he's going to pay for it. All those other docs, Klein, Metzger, and the rest need to do the perp walk, too. They are all guilty.

Anonymous said...

smh @ the doctors & mike himself

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