Thursday, November 19, 2009

Truth Is, You're A Homewrecker

Sienna Miller might have a new partner in homewrecking. That's if you believe Star Magazine. They claim that Fantasia has used her feminine wiles to lure a very married father of two into her pussay's clutches. Just because Fanny's own home almost got foreclosed on, doesn't mean she should go and snatch someone else's. But I guess we can't choose who our fuck parts want to cling to. We just have to go with it.

Apparently, everyone in Charlotte, North Carolina is queefing about how 30-year-old college football player Antwaun Cook pink-slipped his teacher wife and his two young children (ages 1 and 4) so that he could fuck on Fantasia full-time.

Fanny and Antwaun met back in August while he was working at a T-Mobile store. Their genitals instantly started humming for each other while talking about pre-paid phones. A weeks after they met, Antwaun left his family and moved into Fanny's mansion. A source added, “I’m not going to deny that the word ‘homewrecker’ is floating around."

The source also said that Fanny's got so bad for Antwaun that she even had his last name tattooed on her shoulder, “She got it to honor her man!"

Well, if Fanny's fairytale romance with Antwaun ever ends she can easily turn that tattoo from "Cook" to "COCK." And really, we all wish we could go through life with a giant cock on our shoulder.

And those of you screaming that Fanny can't even read her own tattoo need to stop! You might just be right, but who cares. Who needs to be hooked on phonics when you can be hooked on cock!

Jacked from Dlisted


Serafina said...

You are either a very unhappy man or a complete lame, who's wife shouldnt really miss you too much, if you leave your family, for an ugly, coochie lipped, dumb, no hit wonder, hoodrat.

I really, really hope that his wife doesnt take him back. Teachers dont make that much money, but she damn sure has the degree to move far.

Whereas trannymae will be lowered to putting those huge lips to use, if she doesnt make an album soon.


Anonymous said...

t-mobile store? really fanny? smdh. he's just using her ass and probably got a mixtape coming out next month.

Anonymous said...

women obsessed with married men----it's becoming an epidemic in celebrityville. I'm sorry but Fantasia is just not attractive, this dude is with her for 1 thing and it ain't her stank ass punani. I know his wife is hurting, but she needs to thank her lucky stars this man-whore is gone from her life. He was slap happy glad to leave his family and probably had an out of body experience just thinking about it. Fanny I wish you could read, b/c this dude had "gold digger" written across his fo head.

Wild Safari said...
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Anonymous said...

Fantasia with her sea bass looking ass. Stupid girl!! T mobile? Married with kids? Really Fanny. Damn, you really are dumb. That dude doesn't want you for real numbskull. He is there for the money.

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