Thursday, November 5, 2009

Worst. Dad. Ever.

I hesitate to even use the word dad when describing Real Housewives of Orange County's Slade Smiley. For those of you who have read the site for a long time, you probably are aware the one thing I probably hate the most in this world is parents who don't see or take care of their kids. I especially think it is vile when a parent abandons their child just so they can spend time sucking face with another D list cast off in order to try and keep their fame alive.

Slade Smiley though has taken it one step beyond not just seeing his nine year old son, he also hasn't paid child support for his son and owes almost $80K. If you think this couldn't get any worse, then think again. Slade's son has an inoperable brain tumor. Yep, so let us add all of this up shall we.

You have a nine year old son dying of cancer that you have seen twice in 18 months. You didn't send him a birthday card. You haven't paid to support him and oh, get this. Oh this is the f**King topper to all of this. Slade has asked a judge to reduce his child support payments because Slade is unemployed and doesn't make any money. Uh huh.

Slade, if I had a son dying of cancer and he needed money I would work anywhere to make sure that child had money and to make his life as comfortable as possible. I don't think there is a word strong enough in the English language to describe what a horrible individual you are. I guess it figures that the one person you have found who likes you is the one who lied to and cheated on her dying boyfriend. I'm sure there is a nice room awaiting the two of you in hell someday.

Jacked from Crazy Days and Nights


Anonymous said...

If all of this is true then Slade SLIM SHADY Smiley doesn't have the good moral compass of a dead SLUG!!!!

Anonymous said...

people are wicked, dude might be subconsciously hoping that his son dies from his illness so he'll be absolved of all alimony, child support, responsiblity as a father,etc....i really hope this isn't true at all. if i had i child with cancer, i'd be too sick and ridden with tears to be on t.v promoting any reality garbage or hanging out with friends.

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