Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Shannon Twins Kicked Out of the Playboy Mansion
THE DIRTY ARMY: Apparently Hef has had enough! Someone tweeted @CrystalHarris and asked if the twins were getting kicked out and her reply was “@bruandrews It’s not my place to talk about things going on at the Mansion that are none of my business. 4:40 PM Jan 7th from web in reply to bruandrews”. And rumor is that they were caught in a comparable position in a bathroom with a male guest at a party.
That sucks… only a couple more years and they would have made it on the will.- nik
Jacked from The Dirty
they were always so dry. neither of them really seemed to have much of a personality. quite frankly i don't think they're all that hot either. (no homo) if either of them had been a single birth, they wouldn't have had a chance at being a playboy girl, but for some stupid reason, men think identical twins are hot.
don't blame them for outsourcing - it's not like they were seeing any action from heff.
stupid girl
Those two young girls have needs. Hef's old ass he couldn't come if you called him. You know his old ass can't even hear.
yea they were extremebly boring. i saw this coming since day one of the show. i wonder who is going to replace them??? i miss holly kendra and bridgette :(
no one can replace holly bridget and kindra. hef has a big heart and would help out anyone, these twins just couldnt hang... got mad luv for crystal though, stickin by her man... ur good peoples crystal... luv ya heff... muah
Dont get mad at Hef for being a pimp.And dont be mad because he gets more buns than everyone one here combined.He has no problem getting it up or the girls wouldn't have been there in the first place.
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