Thursday, June 24, 2010

Team Tiki Says Ginnys's a Greedy Bitch

Tiki's pals are starting to leak the dirt on the divorce proceedings.

Tiki Barber's buddies are blasting claims that the ex-Giants superstar is too broke to pay a divorce settlement demanded by the mother of his four young kids -- saying Ginny Barber is trying to bleed him dry while herself squandering cash.

And a close Barber friend said Ginny’s camp has been obsessed with smearing Tiki since he left her for a young blond while the wife was pregnant with twins -- while Tiki has focused on getting shared custody of the kids.

“Ginny wants $150,000 per month from him in alimony'' and child support that outraged pal fumed to The Post’s Dan Mangan. “In due time, if Tiki was dumb enough to give her that amount, he would be broke.”

“P.S.: She’s hired a baby nurse to take care of the kids for $60,000,” the friend said. “And Ginny’s legal bill is approximately $75,000 per month to Nancy Chemtob,” her lawyer, said the friend.

Another well-place source confirmed those jaw-dropping dollar amounts.
The buddy confirmed that Tiki, who had been working as a NBC’s “Today Show” correspondent, has “parted ways with NBC” on the heels of the scandal. That job paid him an estimated $300,000 annually.

Ginny’s rep said the claim of a $150,000- per-month alimony demand “is categorically untrue. That number is completely and utterly ridiculous.” The rep added, “She does not even have a nanny.''

The rep also denied the amount purportedly paid Chemtob by Ginny.
The Post exclusively revealed in April how Barber dumped his wife of 11 years for 23-year-old former NBC intern Traci Lynn Johnson.

Now he and Ginny -- who delivered twin girls last month -- have struggled in divorce court to reach a settlement. Some sources said Tiki is trying to “low-ball her” and has cried poverty because of the loss of his “Today” gig.
In response, Tiki’s agent Mark Lepselter said, “It’s very sad, and it would be better if they settled this as amicably as possible.”

Jacked from NY Post


Anonymous said...

Seriously Tiki....did you think you were going to leave your wife while pregnant and then expect her to be nice to you? Give me a break and take care of your kids and I'll bet next time you will read the fine print of your contract for that morality clause...dumb a$$!!

ChinaBunni said...

Whateva, that fool got plenty of money. He just don't want to be a statistic like the rest of the divorcees....paying like u weigh. She SHOULD take him to the cleaners, that money will not be spent on his "TOY". Take him to the cleaners, Ginny!!!

shitorsugarreanimated said...

i'd say it was his greed for pussy and a sense of self righteousness that got him in the mess he's in now. plain and simple he wronged a woman, his wife, in one of the dirtiest, low down and hurtful ways any woman could imagine.
in my opinion, he deserves whatever his wife decides to dish out.

Anonymous said...

it doesn't matter what she asked for, it's not enough to get over the humiliation and shitty treatment he put her through. too bad she can't take everything. all he deserves is a little dog house to sleep in at night. he's a low down dirty lyin cheatin bastard!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone here. He put himself and his family in this situation. It really does not matter what their relationship was really like, tthey still were married with FOUR kids. He was an arrogant, selfish, horrendous BITCH doing this to a woman he's been with for OVER a decade! That in and of itself is shameful! HE decided to fuck-up his own career with this affair (he had to know about the contract clause before he signed's called talking to your lawyer before you sign any contract). Now he's claiming BROKE. Fuck you Tiki Bitch! CLEAN HIM OUT!!

Anonymous said...

get the money honey

Anonymous said...

that nigga deserve everything he is getting. You think she married his ass for love! lol! Asian women marry for comfort, and love can come later. If you cant afford to buts nuts full of sperm, you may need to let the doctor clip those balls for you. Shes been dealing with the cheating for a decade. Ms. chow young foo wants your heart in a shrimp friend rice.

JUST BEING TY!!!!!! said...

@JUNE 24 2:19PM, WELL SAID!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Does he really think he can garner sympathy, the way he behaved. Hell no, ain't no way.

"you think she married his ass for love! lol! Asian women marry for comfort, and love can come later."

You are so right. Negroes don't do they homework, until it's too late. Tiki, negro, it's too late.

Anonymous said...

And we're supposed to care that she's a "greedy bitch". I hope she takes his cheating ass to the cleaners. F*ck him, his new chick, and his buddies.

umph umph umph said...

Did he really expect her to just go away quietly? Did he really think she was going to be satisfied with living any other way then they have in the past?

How much is he spending on his legal team? I'm sure it's on par, if not more than she is.

C'mon Tiki, grow up - scratch that - man up!

Anonymous said...

2:19 through 3:06 are some dumb racists. So if she wasn't Asian, what ignorant shit would you have to say about her? How are you three fools going to support this cheating piece of shit despite all he's done? Was it because your fathers did the same shit to your mothers and your desensitized, or what?
Trash will always stick up for their own, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Cheating has no face or color...this man is not a black man in my eyes...he is a complete loser and sell....what he is saying is that if he has to sell his Tribeca Loft that he and Becky are shaking up in, give up his luxury cars and his life style from Becky, it would make him broke....BECKY is going to leave after the cash is gone...PAY UP PUNK BASTARD! Even if this idiot has a prenup, he violated it. Most prenups are void in infidility/cheating. He ought to be lucky she did not file or they had property in California...else he would be on the welfare line like Nas!!! I have not an ounce of sympathy and at the end of the what she has a nurse, nanny's or whatever, she is letting it be known to Becky and the world," I am not going out like that", the world can have whats left of his busted azz now that I am done".

Anonymous said...


Bitch ass, ho ass, dumb bitch. It is what it is bitch. You must be some peanut sized asian dick, or pussy larger than a desk size globe asian bitch. That's how them asian bitches roll, don't try pretend them hos got some scruples like that, cause they don't. They mercenary as a motherfucker.

Then again you could be a dumb ass nigga name or some tobacco slurping peckerwood. Either way fuck you!

Anonymous said...

Another fat ugly pointy headed bitch ass nigga ho, crying like a little girl bout a piece of change. Skank u got that yt pussy, now money don't matter. Keep fuckin that yt bitch cause thats where all the money gone, dumb ass. Fucker.

shitorsugarreanimated said...

poor missy grumpy-pants. i think someone needs to watch her favorite tyler perry movie and get a big hug :)

Anonymous said...

And all of you silly bytches wonder why accomplished men with resources don't want to be married in this country with these fcked up, bias azz laws. Women leave men all the time, break their hearts etc.., and yet men are not entitled to recompense for their damaged emotions, yet, you guys think, he should be financially bled to death because he dared to leave a women.

What Tiki did (leaving his wife while pregnant) was fcked up, particularly the timing, however, people grow apart all the time. When a women extracates herself from a unhappy marriage, she's liberating herself, but when a man does so, he's derelict and abandoning his family. All female manipulation. Women in America on on some bullshyt and full of it!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm feeling everyone's comment.....Tiki is a piece of shit!! June 24 @ 11:33, you have some GREAT points and yes it is a double standard. This doesn't make it better, but Men have so many of them that we have to settle for's ours. Yes, we are emotional, so when our hearts are broken, we go IN!! Tiki should have extricated himself from the relationship and told his wife how he felt....especially before he laid the semen in her that landed them the TWINS!! Sir, it's how he did it, now what he did. I bet even if his wife and him were having issues (I bet they did over the years) she probably didn't have any idea he was doing him like most of us don't. So, if he GREW apart like you stated, his dic! should have done that first, especially when it decided to grow into the young blonde!! (and u know there are more that we haven't heard about.....YET!)

Anonymous said...

then he shouldn't have cheated....

Anonymous said...

So, when our hearts are broken, we go IN!

There lies the rub, Women think with their emotions, and not logic and reason. As a (black) man, I think what he did is deplorable or in more colloquial terms, Fcked Up! In no way do I condone, or defend his choices and behavior. Having said that, my issue is with this American woman double standard mentality that believes that she can put a financial value on their broken hearts. Men get their hearts broken as well! When men read all this "get that money girl" bullshyt from you women, the marriage rate takes another precipitious drop. No men in his right mind would imperil his hard earned resources by jumping the broom with one these vindictive azz bytches! Tiki should certainly take of his family and give aid to his wife, but hundreds of thousands a month isn't fair, its fcking punitive! If women are going to be allowed to be act out emotionally when they feel they have been wronged, they are merely giving license to these crazy azz men, who operate on the "If I can't have you, nobody can" rule. Men are humans. You can't just push, and push, and then take all of his shyt and expect him never to react! And as I said, Tiki should bear responsibility for his family, but he earned that shyt, not her. She didn't score not one mockerfcking tochdown! I'm sick of American women profiting from a man's hard work and talking about how independent they are!

Anonymous said...

Ginny give his the same exact about of consideration that he gave you and your children.

shitorsugarreanimated said...

cosign @7:26

so maybe women do lead with their emotions and maybe it's not the BEST behavior but i'd say then that men lead with their dicks and i think we can all agree this behavior is also poor. marriage is a contract and there are many different reasons people enter into these contracts. i would say a primary reason is for financial rights to money and property.

sophia said...

ugh what the hell is going on here!
let's stay on point and stop arguing with each other.
tiki is tacky.
ginny is mad.
the kids are in the middle.
and becky...well....fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Look, it is about who is the breadwinner in the relationship? For example, Whoopie married several times and one of the white husbands cheated from day one and left with a boat load of cash. So, do not give me that woman vs. man crap. And that Bitch got my money!!!

They had a committed relationship and she helped him build that career and cash flow. Now, she is entitled to a portion of it like man would be if he marries a wealthier woman. Some of you, men on here crying about taking "my money" are simply selfish and self-centered like some of the women. If you are fortunate enough to have someone by your side to help you navigate through the perils of life then they should be compensated for their own inputs and standing by your tail. Trust me, you never know where life will lead you. It may lead you to a junction in your life where money be damn, I need your care, consideration and help at this hour in my life. Trust, I have seen it happen.

Alwayz Roll said...

I'm a guy and I'm on her side...U FUCKED UP TIKI and she is about to empty yo pockets and take ur nutz while she is at it. That lil young blonde will eventually fuck another NFL player that is still relevant and you will be left ass naked in a Wal-Mart wishing you can "Roll Back"

Anonymous said...

So, Tiki is selfish because he is disinclined to pay this woman over a hundred grand a month? GTFOOH! No, Tiki is selfish because he betrayed his family publicly in the most egregious manner immaginable. And as I said, he should be financially responsible for his family, however women should not be able to dictate how much of this man's hard earned money will suffice to satisfy their thirst for vengence. Just as in the case of NAS, Tiki would be shortly in the poor house since he no longer has his previous income stream. And how and the hell does a woman quantify or qualify her input and them aribitrarily assign a dollar amount? From most women's perspective, they would do so subjectively without any universal benchmark or standards. You anger, hurt and pain does not entitle you to financially rape, pilliage and plunder a man simply because you feel it is just compensation for your emotional suffering. Go make your own fcking money!

Anonymous said...

^^^Yes, I think that is an excellent idea. Yes, I too agree. However, we are not talking Nas and Kelis little short lived marriage
parading as a "divorce settlement". We are talking calming and smartly about two people that build a life together like the Barbers. They, both, put in the sweat equity to build the bank accounts, assets and so forth. This is the issue with the Barbers.

If she were the breadwinner in the relationship and he were the supporting cast member. Now, he no longer has his previous income either? like Tiki. She was his backbone. And no, we are not talking about assigning a dollar amount to her pain and suffering that the Judge will do. It is his job. The judge assigns the dollar value to her input not her anger.

Please, any woman that you may marry. Please, inform her that you are a 50-50 man so she will know to never expect that you will provide for her, protect her and look after her well-being. She will know what to expect in divorce court and during the course of her "marriage". Please!!!

Anonymous said...

^^^Last but not least Tiki Barber is an ass no matter if the woman is black, white and in-between. It would not even matter if she had money. He is just wrong. He would still be a selfish, self-centered jerk of a man.

Anonymous said...

He should have kept his dick in his pants. Now he looks like a weak pussy hound.

Anonymous said...

More feminist rhetoric designed to justify a woman's role in a situation where they don't contribute anything financially. Phrases like, "She was the backbone," or, "Her sweat equity" are subjectively applied catch phrases that are designed to suggest that her contributions are equal in measure to his. You have no fcking idea what this women did for or with him, thus your "she was the backbone" is nothing more than you grasping for straws. How do you know that the nanny doesn't raise the children? And what the fck is her "sweat equity?" Hell, with the money he earned, I would venture to guess that she didn't sweat very much. Just because a woman births a child doesn't automatically mean that she performs these functions in a man's life. Hell, I am a ex NBA player, and believe me, I've seen many of my teammates wives and girlfriends do nothing more than sit on their azzes and order some other woman (maids and nannies) to do their jobs. So, stop conferring upon her characteristics that you have no evidence of their existences. Even so, I have repeatedly stated that he should take care of her and the kids. I merely objected to this bullshyt of her using the bias legal system as a instrument to exact her cruel retribution and vengeance upon him. Just like a woman, you want to dismiss the fact that he made the money, not her, mitigating this distinction when it comes to dividing the pie. Only a woman would suggest that she is equal in contributions to a man who contributes millions to her nothing. Hell, I would even defend Oprah were she to get married and ole boy tried this we are 50/50 bullshyt! You silly azz women live in some fantasy world with rules of your own making. But if you were to marry a billionaire, or a millionaire and you contribute nothing financially, just living off of the fat of the land; I sorry, you are not equal in this sense. Should a man not participate in the rearing of his child, never attending to the child,not aiding in the child's development, only paying bills then he is not 50/50 in that particular area with the mother. American women are unhappy creatures largely because you are obssessed with equality. Remember, nothing in this world is, or has ever been equal. Equality is an ideal, not a reality!

Anonymous said...

Some of you bitter women need to please STFU!

There's no need for anybody (male or female) to stay in loveless relationship a day longer than necessary. Just be a good parent and take care of your kids thereafter. On the money side, a reasonable (if a woman who feel scorned can ever understand that word) should suffice. Ginny can no longer expect to be living the lifestyle of "Tiki's wife" when she no longer fills that role. Maybe it is time to check out the wanted ads.

Anonymous said...

Tiki please tell your dumb friends to shut up. It isn't going to help your PR!!

Anonymous said...

Sir, I will again say that you have some very valid points...You do seem rather irritated, are you? Yes, there are alot of trifling women not only that you may come across in the industry (well, former, right?) but I see them every day as well. And as quickly as I can spot them, I'm sure you and your industry friends can as well. But, as usual, we are going to ignore the fact that millionaires and billionaires that you speak of do not look at the intelligent women like myself whom work hard everyday to provide for myself and my son; you choose the eye pleasing, "Daddy what you want me to do for you-video chicks" and wonder why you end up in court splitting half of YOUR hard earned money! Sir, this argument could go on forever.... Regardless, I don't know either person PERSONALLY so this is just my OPINION as I'm sure yours is. All I can say is that we both agree on the fact that Tiki is a dumbass who should have made better decisions. Does it make it right for Ginny to take half of his fortune that she didn't techinally "play" to make? No, that is a decision sir that she will have to answer for when the pain and hatred dies down..... It doesn't make her a greedy individual, it makes her a hurt one. Maybe if Tiki was half of the man that most of these MEN think they are and sat his pregnant wife down Before he impregnanted her or during and told her how he felt, maybe, JUST MAYBE we wouldn't be on here discussing their relationship. Sir, Ginny can be expected to live the lifestyle that she has been accustomed to for YEARS because TIKI put her there. Her children afford her that right. As a person commented earlier, Ginny is not a judge sir...she is just a voice. The judge will decide what Tiki can or can not pay; not Ginny. So, why not be mad at all the judges in the world who give the women/men the judgements to talke half? You do know that MEN are judges to, RIGHT? Please, so now that Tiki's philandering ways have hit the fan, caused him his job and reputation, his wife has to pack up the kids, leave her lifestyle, and go "look for a job" because her HUSBAND decided to break his vows and do HIM! Well, Karma is what that was called last time I checked.....but U can call it GINNY!

shitorsugarreanimated said...

^^^ 3:34 WONDERFUL!!! you just ROCKED that ASS!!!

Anonymous said...

Tiki and all of his raggedy friends can rattle ALL THEY WANT TO!! The fact IS and STILL remains is that that no shame havin' dog Tiki, LEFT his pregnant with HIS twins WIFE for some floozie. I don't care if Ginny had squandered away a skajillion dollars of his money, Tiki should pay and any good lawyer and judge will make sure that he does just that!! She should get Kelis' lawyer to get her stacks and MO' stacks!!

Anonymous said...

^^^YOU GO, girl....@3:34am. It is obvious that he is a bitter, self-righteous type of man to be avoided by any hard working, decent woman whether, she be black and/or white. Just avoid this bitter well of a man. Please!!! Do yourself a favor.

Anonymous said...

And let me add. These types of men are so surprised that she does not want to work and contribute anything tangible to the union. For real!!! Stevie Wonder could see that she is a tricked out whore. However, these types of men continually select women with so-called good assets as in long hair, light-skin and coke bottle figure. Really!!! Then they wanna holler the loudest that "I have been robbed". You think. All the while, they have no respect for a hard working, college-educated woman especially a black woman. If she is not acting like a whore, then they have no use for her? Re-evaluate your standards in yourself and your selection of women before you judge all women as golddiggers. Please!!!

Anonymous said...

Be smarter next time, TIKI and keep that tramp in her lane. There is still something to be said about discretion.

Anonymous said...

Let me, add my two cents, and the more you try to better yourself as black woman, all the more mockey and scorn you will suffer at the hands of these kinds of men. BELIEVE!!! they will put you in your place.

Anonymous said...

You, Becky-lovin coon ass Kneegrew(s) need to shut the _______up! OMG!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank god! Marriage is a dying institution! Let this bitter azz, independent, entitlement complex having azz women take care of their damn selves and stop parisitically sucking the financial blood out of some man because she has some legal document that she believes give her the right to take all a man's shyt simply because he was stupid enough to enter into such a bullshyt contract. Let these tricks fend for themselves and stop treating marriage like it is a for profit enterprise!

Anonymous said...

Another failed adulterous relationship and another black man thinking that only black women are vindictive about to be screwed by his non-black preference. He deserves to lose every penny she can get for his thinking that because she wasn't an angry black woman that she wouldn't leave. And additionally because it doesn't take rocket science to know that if the love is gone you leave. You don't go and start another relationship w/o concluding the first one. Men are just stupid these days - they make all this money and lose it all for a few moments of pleasure (Tiger Woods example here).

To think that any man would believe he could publicly humiliate an 8 month pregnant wife by introducing a 23 year old blonde college student as her replacement...enough said...for a woman scorned will burn the house down before she let you and your mistress have it...and that emotion is color-blind!

Anonymous said...

I interacted with Ginny over several months in a business transaction. I found her to be extraordinarily immature and self-absorbed. While that doesn't justify Tiki's behavior, it does shed some light on why he might have wanted out. She just not a nice person.

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