Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Attention Whoring 101 with Russell Simmons

Always go for the bigger fish.
Russell Simmons said the New York Post is just "junk, gossip and stuff," for writing about his eventful love life -- but almost in the same breath, he booted a veggie blogger seated next to him so a Page Six reporter could take notes on his vegan lifestyle and "Bold Native," the movie on animal rights that he was promoting Monday night. Despite his disdain for gossip columns and meat-eaters, whom he described as "sheep," Simmons did get personal. "Most of the girls that I date are vegetarians . . . They always leave me, but stay vegans," he said. Like his exes, we also left, but we're not yet vegan.

Jacked from NY Post


Anonymous said...

HUH what, what did he say?

Anonymous said...

Russell Simmons is so phony. I still don't understand what he does and why he still gets any respect.

DOSbrand said...

This individual AND HIS LOUSY FAKE PASTOR BROTHER are the true definitions of wolves in sheep's clothing.

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