Friday, July 2, 2010

Britney Spears Spazzing Out

Looks like this chick is having another meltdown.


Anonymous said...

I am lost for words as I say, maybe she is just playing with them.However in my heart I feel like maybe she is just a product of some genetic gene in her family that has mental illness as a trait!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Maybe she was sneezing?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was brain freeze from the icee

Anonymous said...

You'd need a brain for that

Anonymous said...

Maybe she tired of the press following her every freakin where

Anonymous said...

she is most definitely crazy and it was her parents and the business that did it. i feel sorry for her.

Anonymous said...

them paparazzi drivin' her crazy! LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE DAMMITT!!!!

Anonymous said...

look at that hair. tube socks anyone? if you don't think she is crazy then you crazy.

Anonymous said...

I think she was caught in mid-sneeze.
But the outfit...yeah. I can't say too mucb about that one. :-\

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