Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Eddie Cibrian May Have Left his Wife but but he didn't Leave his Kids

Cibrian taking sons and moving in with lover LeAnn Rimes.
LeAnn Rimes just got a lot to sing about - boyfriend Eddie Cibrian is moving in, and he's bringing his kids with him.

"Eddie and the kids are moving in with LeAnn to save money since Eddie lost his CSI job," a source told E! Online.

The gossip site reports that Cibrian and sons Mason, 7, and Jake, 3, will relocate to Rimes's Hidden Hills house in Calabasas next week.

Rimes bought the house, located just a few blocks from Cibrian's previous home with his soon-to-be ex-wife, after the couple revealed their relationship last year.

Cibrian and ex Brandi Glanville currently share equal custody of their sons.
Though the actor has said he and the former model will work together as co-parents, Glanville has repeatedly trashed her ex since their split, most recently accusing him of withholding money to support their children.

Glanville has also lashed out at Rimes, telling, "She can have most of everything...just not my children and my family."

But Rimes seems to be making an effort to bond with Cibrian's sons, and was photographed on vacation with the trio in Mexico in March.

According to E's source, plans are underway to modify the singer's house for its new residents.

"Mason is moving into the dog's old room," the site reports, "and Jake is moving into LeAnn's office."

After keeping their relationship under wraps for months while separating from their spouses, the country singer and her actor boyfriend are now openly sharing their affection for each other in public and on Twitter.

Over the weekend, Rimes gave a peek into their domestic life together, writing, "@eddiecibrian & I are sleepy! Super lazy Sunday!"

Later in the day, however, it seemed Cibrian was starting to earn his keep around the new house.

"@eddiecibrian showing me how to do yard wrk!" Rimes tweeted. "Doesn't hurt when a hot guy is showing you!"
Cibrian, who just joined Twitter in July, is equally open about his feelings for Rimes.
"Unbiased," he wrote on Saturday, "@leannrimes is without a doubt a one of a kind incomparable talent! She is truly AMAZING!!"

To which Rimes tweeted back, "@EddieCibrian You are SO bias, but I love you!!!"
The country star, who shot to fame at the age of 13, split from husband Dean

Sheremet to pursue a relationship with Cibrian after meeting the actor on the set of Lifetime movie "Northern Lights."

Her divorce was finalized in June, and Sheremet is reportedly moving in with girlfriend Sarah Silver later this month.

Jacked from NY Daily News


Anonymous said...

Musical Beds...w/children

Anonymous said...

I thought that she was married what is up with all of these home wreckers? That is sad but he could not take my children when you are leaving to have a fantasy with another woman that is not a good reason for divorce or seperation.

Choco said...

They are the gayest couple ever and I don't see it lasting who the eff tweets about your domestic life two idiots who need more people

Anonymous said...

^haha. sometimes, no scratch that, ALL THE TIME, it's better and wiser to hold off on PDA and affectionate bragging just in case your new relationship that was built on a trainwreck doesn't last...this goes for non celebs or regular folks too.

Anonymous said...

They should be together. Both got those beady eyes & they love fuckin other people while married. Two of a kind. Like the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together

Anonymous said...

OK so I guess it's good that she wants to be around his kids and all, but no only do you mess around with a married man, but you move blocks away from where he and his wife lived together, and then you want to move those kids into your home? This chick wants to make the ex-wife miserable! She wants everything: the man, the marriage, and the kids. In no time, she'll be asking those kids to call her mommy. Just watch. This situation is a Lifetime movie. Too bad that marriage won't last. Relationships on shady foundations never do.

malika said...

i'm sorry but did anyone else notice that she's giving one of the kids her DOG'S old room? WTF?!?! with all of the money she has (and i'm sure they'll deodorize it and change the carpets and all) why couldn't they have just built him his own room by an extension? or they didn't have any other rooms they could give him? something just sounds horrible about getting a dog's old room.

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