Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Lindsay Rules

Lohan scores drugs in jail.

Sources connected with the Lynwood Correctional Facility tell TMZ ... Lindsay's prescriptions were being processed yesterday and she will be allowed to take several drugs, including Adderall, a psychostimulant used to treat ADHD. She also has a prescription for Ambien.

It's pretty ironic ... friends of Lindsay, and Michael Lohan, tell TMZ it's the prescriptions that have gotten her into this mess in the first place. Nevertheless, doctors say the meds are justified and Lindsay will get her daily dose.

Jacked from TMZ


Anonymous said...

Ain't that a bitch! Her next stop, six feet under...Enablers in jail is classic! Her story gets more fucked up by the day...

Anonymous said...

her life will make a good hollywood movie, side note id still fuck the bitch

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should have sent her to rehab first then jail....this is a hot mess!!

Anonymous said...

23 DAY, She is gonna be so fucked up the day she gets out,

Anonymous said...



its already been confirmed that shes only doing 14 days.

Anonymous said...

@1:47 PM - There is no rehab for ADHD or insomnia and I don't think you can get a prescription for cocaine and vodka.

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