Monday, July 19, 2010

Mel Gibson Leaving the States

He's moving back to Australia with his ex-wife.

Mel Gibson is poised to quit the US after selling his mansion near New York.

The disgraced Lethal Weapon star, who faces allegations of violence from his Russian former girlfriend, sold the mock Tudor property, known as Old Mill Farm, for £16 million – £10 million less than the asking price.

Gibson has also put his Malibu home, Lavender Hill Farm, on the market for £10 million, according to a property newsletter.

He has told friends that he will move back to Australia - where he grew up after moving from America when he was 12 - with his ex-wife Robyn, who still supports him.

Gibson, 54, is ready to contest the allegations of Oksana Grigorieva, 40, who claims he punched her and hurt their baby, Lucia, in a drunken rage in January.

A source close to the family said: ‘Oksana’s allegations have united Mel and Robyn and this move is her idea.

‘She is shocked and furious at this woman’s lies and their seven children are shocked.

‘Robyn has never seen a violent side to him.

‘She has persuaded him that he needs to get away from Hollywood and find peace on his ranch and she will go with him along with some of the children.’

A friend of Miss Grigorieva said: ‘Oksana has done nothing but tell the truth.’

Gibson and Robyn divorced last year just weeks after he was pictured for the first time with Miss Grigorieva.

A spokesman for Gibson declined to comment.

Jacked from the Daily Mail


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He probably did hit her azz because that is what happen when men leave there families for the side pieces evetually the rage becomes too much. His azz had to learn never leave you family for some side azz now he has 18 more years with this lady when he had all the connection he needed with his wife and children.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Robyn, the ex-wife was and is still good for Mel Gibson. There are some people that just bring out the worst in others. I believe this maybe the case with the baby mama and its drama.

Anonymous said...

I agree 8:47 AM, some people really brings the worst out of others, but Gibson is still a puss! He needs to go into hiding like forever. Another victim of Hollywood bites the dust!

Anonymous said...

Australia is more racist then the US so I guess he'll fit in there.

Anonymous said...

Nooo, Mel stay and continue to shame and humiliate the white race.

The last white man's shame got us a different color president. Mel's shame might get us more mainstream entertainment opportunity's. Maybe even a black Entourage on HBO, or a black cast show on NBC or a black main character Vampire that ain't in Brooklyn (Eddie Murphy side eye)or 4 black people cast together on the same white show dating each other....what
With white shame comes opportunity for other races

Anonymous said...

Better take your white ass back australia.

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