Monday, July 12, 2010

Mel Gibson Uncesored


Anonymous said...

Ok, so this asshole is ill! Just think, he is the person who directed "Passion of the Christ"! Wow, I actually felt offended, like he was talking to me, even though I would beat his ass...Damn Mel, you're a douche!

Anonymous said...

I seriously think that Mel Gibson is mentally sick!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow.......kind of makes you wonder what Danny Glover, Tina Turner, and Chris Rock think about it since they all acted opposite of him. Mm, mm,mm smdh....he's a human hemrroid.....

Anonymous said...

As we know, Cocaine is a helluva drug. Definitely sounds like coke rage

Anonymous said...

^ In addition to his disgusting racism, of course. Wonder what his children and his ex wife think? And he left his family & 8 kids i think, to go shack up w/this woman, and have yet another kid. Not like he can't afford it, but damn.

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