Thursday, July 1, 2010

Most Amicable Divorce Ever

Sandra Bullock and Jesse James' divorce is already final because it went amazingly smooth. Too smooth if you ask me. Something stinks.
SANDRA BULLOCK and her ex-husband JESSE JAMES secured a quick divorce by each refusing to claim alimony and waiving the right to have their assets independently valued.

Bullock's marriage to the cheating TV mechanic was officially dissolved by a judge in Texas on Monday (28Jun10), just two months after the Hollywood star filed for divorce.

In her legal papers, the Oscar winner claimed the marriage had "become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities", after tattoo model Michelle 'Bombshell' MCGee went public with news of her 11-month fling with James.
Details of the split settlement were kept secret, but documents obtained by reveal the former couple settled amicably and trusted one another to tally up the total value of their assets and debts, instead of bringing in an independent evaluator.

Bullock and James signed a confidential property settlement agreement, also known as a Partition Agreement, and declined to make a claim for spousal support.
The papers also state that "there is no child of the marriage... now under eighteen years of age or otherwise entitled to support and none is expected".

Bullock and her ex adopted a baby boy named Louis from Louisiana in January (10), and the actress has since revealed she plans to raise the child as a single mum.
Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...

Everything about this from the very beginning stinks! Sandy gave the public what they wanted...a divorce from the bad guy....all the while she's adopting a little black baby to shake off any negativity she got associated with her husband. Now that everybody's happy, she can live privately with that slob and do whatever the hell she wants with him. Her PR people can make up any story they like as to why she's still associating with him and her fans will believe it. Not to mention future publicity shots with her and other men. It's all rigged people!!! shit don't go down this smooth. they are still together....she said he was the love of her life. don't believe the garbage the media feeds you.

Anonymous said...

I otally agree with you!

Anonymous said...

I agree as well.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I believe they have that crazy sex tape too! Oh little miss angel Sandra is total down with this shit! Now the two nuts adopt the kid like he a new puppy , not dissing the baby but it's all they're game!

Anonymous said...

When celebs drag their divorces out, we complain and now that there is a divorce that has been settled in less than 90 days after the divorce was filed for and we still complaining. No need to drag it out when there are no children involved.

Anonymous said...

@ that u sandra?

Anonymous said...

She married a man who is known for being into porn stars. Unless he already went to sex rehab she had to know he still had the same tendencies. She probably had no issue with the racist stuff because I'm sure his true self has come out for as long as they've been together. I think the "divorce" is to help her career and they'll continue to be together on the low and eventually go public after public stops paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
When celebs drag their divorces out, we complain and now that there is a divorce that has been settled in less than 90 days after the divorce was filed for and we still complaining. No need to drag it out when there are no children involved.
July 2, 2010 8:01 AM


I've never seen anyone complain about drawn out divorces. From my experience the regular public have longer divorces because they can't afford the legal bills and pay their lawyers as they can afford them. Also there are children invovled. Sandra has taken on the mother role with Jesse's daughter even helping him keep her real mother away. Then there's the child she adopted.

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