Friday, July 2, 2010

Paris Hilton Arrested in South Africa

Paris Hilton got arrested for smoking weed at the World Cup Games.

The US socialite Paris Hilton was arrested by South African police during the Holland v Brazil football match for allegedly possessing and smoking cannabis.

Hilton was watching the World Cup game at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth evening when she was escorted from the ground by two officers.

The heiress was taken to Mount Road Police Station in nearby St Croix, just before 8pm where she was charged and then released.

Provincial head of detectives in Port Elizabeth, Mark Magadlela, confirmed that Hilton was at the police station and had been released.

"There is an inquiry. I don't want to comment further," he said.

Police spokeswoman for Port Elizabeth, Brigadier Marinda Mills would only say that "a high-profile person" was to appear in court on drug-related charges.

The 29-year-old has been in the country with her sister Nicky watching the tournament.

Despite the reports of her arrest there was no word of any trouble from the heiress, who has been keeping Twitter followers up to date during her five-star trip.

Hours after the game she tweeted, "Had so much fun at the game today. What a match! I love South Africa! It's so beautiful here. I can't wait to go on the safari this week and see all the amazing animals."

Her visit has attracted a great deal of publicity, and she posted a picture of her face on the front page of a local newspaper alongside the tweet: "Love the World Cup!"

Hilton is not known as a football fan but she did have a brief fling with Portugal's former Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo.

Jacked from The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Isn't that a herpe on her lip? this broad is nasty AND extremely stupid. Why is she a celebrity? I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Paris is so beautiful I'd suck a big juicy blood clot out of her Ass!

Anonymous said...

WTH, She has a herpe outbreak on her lip???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Yeah, just as I suspected that is a herpes sore on her lip. Paris, just when I thought, I could respect you, again. She is a hall of famer for "Ho, sit your ass back down" award.

TheBarberLady said...

Somebody forgot to refill her Valtrex prescription before the world cup!!! Get tested Africa!

Anonymous said...

somebody smoked weed with that infested bitch too

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