Who's leaving? Who's staying? Who's coming back?
Today is the first day of group shots and production. Tamra Barney tweeted a few days ago that the Real Housewives of Orange County will not air until January. Normally, the production schedule runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day, but with the introduction of the Real Housewives of Washington DC premiering August 5, the Real Housewives of Atlanta and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, airing sometime after that, we’ll have to wait to see Vicki and the girls.
Which of the women will be returning? Nothing official, but hints from the ladies themselves: Jeana Keough has hinted a return, Vicki Gunvalson is returning, of course, Gretchen Rossi is returning definitely (with Slade Smiley) and Lauri Waring Peterson has hinted at a return. Tamra Barney, with a much more interesting storyline, is also returning. How much of Eddie Judge we’ll see is unknown. Simon Barney? I think he’s had enough.
Uncertain about Alexis Bellino and Lynne Curtin. Fans did not take well to Alexis, her hypocritical lifestyle and “smelly dork” husband Jim. Lynne Curtin, though we know she needs the money, shouldn’t want to return after last year’s humiliations. But what do I know….not a famewhore
Jacked from Absurd to Sublime
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