Friday, July 23, 2010

Trina Tea

Jacked from a random Message Board

Trina is beyond crazy and is still in denial about Kenyon Martin not wanting her ass anymore. A representative of Sister 2 Sister magazine contacted Trina and asked her if she wanted them to edit Kenyon Martin's part of the interview before the issue goes to press and she said no and advise them to go ahead and print the story as is because in her mind they aren't broke up for good and she doesn't want anyone to think they are not together and come along and snatch him up. Last weekend she was in Dallas looking for him and once she got word he was in Miami for Summer Grove she quickly flew to Miami. Once Kenyon Martin got word Trina was in Miami, he was on the first flight back to DFW LOL! Now Trina has booked a flight to Dallas this weekend hoping to track Kenyon down and beg for him to take her back again.

Trina begging worked before but it's not going to work this time. He's really moved on this time and supposedly is really feeling some new chic and got Trina lips covered out of respect for her. Trina has already acted a fool in ATL when Kenyon Martin told her he did not want to get back with her and had to call security because she tried to put her hands on him again. The only reason nothing went down in NYC was because Trina knew it would be her ass if she started shit during Lala wedding weekend. Kenyon Martin better have the Dallas Police department on speed dial because she's coming for him and is not going to let him walk away without a fight. Trina needs to get it together and LET IT GO!!!

Martin allegedly got tired of all the begging for money she was doing, because I heard when they first got together, he spent lavishly on her, then he told her something to the effect that he can't be spending that much on her anymore, so start reign in on the spending. She couldn't, so he started to get more and more angry at her.

But honestly he must have been really feeling her to get that. She had to have done something to fall out his good graces. Or maybe he saw her for the shallow, gold-digging hoe she really is and decided she wasn't wife material.

You hit the nail on the head. That's why they broke up the first time. Trina is VERY irresponsible especially when it comes to money. Kenyon didn't mind breaking her off but everytime he turned around she was asking for money but never have anything to show for the money he was giving her. He broke up with her then she started sending pics of her crying and begging him to take her back. She promised she'd be responsible and he agreed to take her back but he said he wasn't giving her any money and she needed to prove she could handle her business and it just went down hill from there.

MONEY I hear was the thing that set it off between them, because she was/is a beggar.

I also heard from friends who worked at the Pepsi Center, that whenever fans came up to Martin, Trina would throw major shade and especially if one of his fans was a woman. Didn't matter how old or young the woman was, Trina threw shade. My friend told em he heard Martin tell her "These are my fans bytch--lay off." "he also said "Why you gotta be so fucking jealous of every female that comes near me, huh?" She got mad at him, but she kept throwing shade at his fans when they approached him for pics/autographs whether they were in the arena or out in the general public.

The final straw came when pics of her bear breasts and bald snatch showed up all over the net. He couldn't understand why she wasn't more angry, and why she didn't lay low for a minute, but she seemed happy with the attention over her naked photos being all over the net. So, he came to the conclusion SHE somehow was responsible for the naked cell phone pics getting loose. She then tried to pretend she was angry and went on some radio show, but it was too late. Martin had enough and got even angrier when he heard the show and she went on there laughing/kidding about her naked pics being all over the net to the dj's.

One of Trina homegirls was messing with Kenyon Martin first and the homegirl was bragging about the money she was getting and that's what made Trina go after Kenyon in the first place. She had no interest in him until after her homegirl started fucking him.


Anonymous said...

Where can I find those naked pics?

Anonymous said...

those photos are on

Anonymous said...

Trina is not wife material. She always look NASTY to me.

Kenyon Martin can do better than Trina! I guess the sex must have been good, but even that gets old.


Anonymous said...

has he gotten a divorce yet? with all of these girlfriends, what does his wife think?

Anonymous said...

My ex was/is fine as fuk but she never listened and spent money like water. Which in turned affected me because I had to bail her out.

Piece of Mind > Piece of Azz.

Anonymous said...

what man in his right mind spends money on a average "tree log leg hoe" with an average border line manly face and Korean $259 lace fronts. Trina been wack and broke!

Anonymous said...

shes a joke of a women , and dependent on money and dick. no women/girls should look up to her or buy her music that degrades women

Anonymous said...

The true Baddest Bi!ch of Miami is Alexis Snyder of Miamidade.Gov, Pucci drips honey gold droplets.,sweet as carnation milk try it,thank me later!

Jackie O said...

She should just work a regular job and learn how to budget because depending on a man ain't the lick.

I once fucked for ten stacks and still couldn't hit so now I work at Wal-Mart where Daryl, that chunky dude on the commercials, be gettin an attitude but he got the hook up on some plastic weaves.

Text me girl!

Anonymous said...

What!!??^^^^ LMAO

Anonymous said...

I believe the dirt about her coming to Dallas. I live here. I was trying to work one day listening to the radio, a commercial for her doing a show weekend show in Dallas came on. I thought it was odd b/c there was no promotion beforehand on any of our stations, usually there is for stars coming to town. It sounded so rushed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^^^food stamp chick?!?! Man... what are you tryna do kill people with that one... cuz I am over here DYING!!!!! Trina always struck me as the fast azz Projects girl that effs all the guys in the hood, but think they all like her cuz she looks good and never realizes that she is so "popular" cuz she's EZ. So yeah... food stamp chick goes right along with that image....

I am still dying. LOL. I would be pissed if someone called me or any my daughters food stamp chick... that is such an effin insult Dang

Anonymous said...

LOL 2:59 that was a quick response

Anonymous said...

When she said "I'll f*ck you while your children are home, I'll f*ck you while my period is on" I was totally disgusted. Like where did you get that lyric and why did you feel the need to say that ish? Just NASTY, THIRSTY, AND TRIFLING!!

Keynon aint no better...with his stupid azz walking around looking like he got a rust spot on his neck now. Why put a tatoo on your neck for a glorified bopper?!?!?

Anonymous said...

"Glorified bopper"....priceless!

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