Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Beyonce's Ghost Writer Stepping out of the Shadows

BC Jean trying for a hit of her own.
Eons ago I broke the story that Beyonce’s hit song, “If I Were A Boy,” was written by a ghost writer.

BC Jean, now 21, wrote the song with a producer friend. Then the producer sold the song to Beyonce behind Jean’s back. There was a scuffle over credits. BC Jean wound up getting $250,000 and a recording contract with RCA/J Records. Beyonce got to pretend she had something to do with writing the song.

Now at last comes BC Jean’s first single and it’s a smash. The song is called “Just a Guy.” It’s full of hooks. Thanks to the good work of Clive Davis protege Larry Jackson. This guy knows what he’s doing.

Jacked from Showbiz 411


Anonymous said...

Everyone was aware that BC Jean wrote, "If I were a boy". Wish her the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

I ain't never listened to this song but I LOVE this version!!

Anonymous said...

I like BC jean's vocals on If I were a boy better than Bey. Man, she should do her own thing.

Anonymous said...

YT girl please 644 she is screaming..Rhianna sound better than her. you can hate Beyonce but that gurl can sang

Anonymous said...

Just because some preferred BC's version over Bey's doesn't mean they are 'hating' her. As for her being able to 'sang'..well, that is still a matter of opinion.

Anonymous said...

Rihanna sounds better? SMH at this generation. Rihooster makes ears bleed. Beyodel is no better. She is straight up annoying.

Anonymous said...

So sick of bey's coniving lying ass ways.

Anonymous said...

How is this girl Beyonce's ghostwriter? When you read the writing credits for this song on Beyonce's album no where do you see Beyonce's name, BC Jean and another person is mentioned. Get it right.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:44... So, why does people always think someone is hating on Beyonce's non creative ass? Riri sounds better, really bitch: Five head sounds like she is yodeling on every song?! I am sick of Beyonce honestly...

Anonymous said...

Of course all the Beyonce & Rihanna STANS gon have somethin mean to say about this girl!! At least she writes her own songs!!!

Anonymous said...

This is okay, but I def like Beyonce's version better (at least vocally). I wish Beyonce (and her team) would stop acting like she's some lyrical genius behind her songs. It's silly, and backtracking just save face is not cool at all.

Just acknowledge that someone else wrote the song and let it be that. That doesn't make Beyonce any less of an artist. Whitney has some of the greatest songs of all time, but the only thing she ever claimed was her voice.

Anonymous said...

YO! BC, don't quitr your day job because you CAN'T sing.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ quit (typo)

Anonymous said...

Well I never thought Beyonce wrote it. She wrote Bootylicious and Bugaboo. Clearly Solange got the song writing talent and Beyonce got the voice

Anonymous said...

I like BC.
Fact, Beyonce never sang this song live, her background,prerecorded version hit those high notes, don't be foolish and think that she did.
When Beyonce sings live she sreams or is standing still trust that fact as well.

Anonymous said...

Beyfake did not write bootylicious, nor did she come up with the word. Bugaboo was written by someone else to.....cannot recall the name. Bey doesn't write anything.

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