Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush Tea

Jacked from a random message board.
I was discussing Kim and her tired shenanigans with one of my homeboys who is friends with one of the Saints. My friend said one of the players said that some of the teammates used to openly joke about her to his face. He told me one story about the team flying back from a game and a group of players were huddled together laughing and carrying on. Reggie goes over and asks what's so funny, what are you guys looking at? Someone turns the DVD player or Laptop screen towards Reggie and it's Ray-J giving Kim the business... He said Reggie was like come on man and shook his head and walked away while the teammates continued to laugh and talk trash. of my girlfriends use to date a player from the Jaguars. She said the visting teams use to fuck with Reggie on the field about Kim constantly.


Anonymous said...

well duhhh!!!

Anonymous said...

No shit Sherlock!

Anonymous said...

Really? No kidding.

Anonymous said...

Reggie is so slap happy glad she's gone. No white guys wanna get with her, they're all black & getting sloppy seconds. SO many beautiful black women out there, but they want a non-pigmented fake hoe. The guy that marries Kim K. will be extraordinarily dumb and she'll find him.

Anonymous said...

this was jacked from Lipstick Alley.. old as hell...

Anonymous said...

Any loser who dates the skank will get the same thing. Relationships are hard enough. Who has the patience and tolerance to deal with this extra unecessary crap? She did it to herself.

Anonymous said...

that's b/c she was doing pretty much every player in the NFL.. and i know this b/c my boyfriend's best friend plays in the NFL, and while their team was playing the saints he was doing her the night before

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be the one to state the obvious. This "kidding" did not affect Reggie's game, lol. The Saints did WIN the Superbowl when he was Dating Kim, lol! (mind you this team had never won the SB before Reggie)

Actually this story demonstrates that Reggie has more of a head on his shoulders than I gave him credit for before. He just laughed and shaked his head and walked off instead of flying off the handle when his teammates. And he didn't feed into the taunting of the guys on the field. He's a champion....who makes bad women choices (lol!)

BronxStateOfMind said...

And because he didn't put his foot through that laptop, he knew they were never going to let it go; nor was anyone going to stop saying anything on the field to get him off his game....Life can be one big high school.


Anonymous said...

Well his momma tried to tell him. Now he's moved on to a Latina what point does this dude get it? I would laugh in his damned face too!! I have not sympathy for Bush. You reep what you sow and energy you put into this universe...the Hiesman Trophy and the tarnishment on his career and one of the worst jump-offs in the business....Kim K. Settle down with a real sister/woman and get your career damage control back in order dude. Until you do this this, ain't nothing going to come right by you dude. Good Luck Anyway Reggie!

Anonymous said...

they can all say what they want but there will be some dumb black dude eager to date and wife her up no matter how much of a skank she is. Do you think Reggie would have openly dated a sister with the same background? Doubt it seriously!

Anonymous said...

And everyone of those fools would've switched places with Reggie in a heartbeat. LOL

Anonymous said...

@10:15 AM - LOL @ you believing the he said he said.

Just1layfifi said...

Hey this is the shit that happens. Ohh well.

Anonymous said...

@3:22, not just believing KNOWING

Anonymous said...

just for the record don't bad mouth Spanish chicks or any other race for that matter cuz the black ones r just as trifling and have whorish ways too! WEPA!!! Haters!

Anonymous said...



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