Monday, August 2, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Released from Jail

After serving 13 days of 90 day sentence Lindsay Lohan is out of jail and off to rehab.

After serving 13 full days in a solitary cell, Lindsay Lohan was freed from a Lynwood, Calif., jail in the wee hours of Monday morning.

"She was released at 1:35 a.m.," Los Angeles Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said outside the jail. "She has been sent directly to her next destination, which is a treatment center. And she will now be under the supervision of the L.A. County probation department. This concludes her custody."

The actress had been serving a 90-day sentence for violating probation in a DUI case, but served a reduced sentence for good behavior and due to the sheriff's long-standing policy of releasing nonviolent offenders early because of severe overcrowding.

Lohan was expecting to serve her court-ordered three months in rehab at an Orange County, Calif., facility, but the judge in her case changed her mind last minute over the weekend.

"There was concern that [Morningside Recovery] was not a secure enough facility," District Attorney spokeswoman Jane Robison told PEOPLE. Robison added that Judge Marsha Revel was concerned that drugs could be easily passed onto the actress, and therefore approved of an undisclosed L.A.-area rehab center. The facility reportedly is at UCLA Medical Center.

If Lohan violates any rules during her treatment, the court could be notified and the judge could potentially throw her back in jail for violating probation, legal experts say.

She also faces a year of random drug testing. The actress must stay clean and sober until August 2011, when her probation term is over. She is, however, allowed to take a number of prescription medications.

Jacked from People


Anonymous said...

That's some complete bullshit right there...If she was an ordinary, poor person, Fed time, but since she is Lindsey "whiteline" Lohan, 13 punk ass days! Ain't justice a complete BITCH?!

Anonymous said...

^^^You bet it is. They are not helping this meth addict coke head lost child at all with all the slaps on the wrist. She should have serve the time she was given at least. Oh it goes.

Anonymous said...

yawn...not shocked.

Daddy Love said...

if her name was lindsey harris, jackson , evans or smith her ass will be right there in jail for the 90 days....

Anonymous said...

^^ Shit she woulda got more than 90 days in the first place!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at history:

Khloe (manhands)Kardashian and Paris Hilton all served less time than given. The excuse was jails were over crowded. (In my Bernie Mac voice) This some BULL.

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