Thursday, August 19, 2010

Madonna and Children

Pictures of Madonna and her kids from a German magazine. More after the jump.

Jacked from Madonnalicious


Anonymous said...

She adopted these kids, b/c she was jealous of all the attention angelina jolie was getting. Madge needs to be concerned with what's going on with her deformed skeletor arms. Lets see a pic of that gossip jacker.

Anonymous said...

Will Madonna please call Angelia Jolie and tell her how to properly do her black daughter's hair. Because Angelina has that girl looking crazy.

Anonymous said...

I think it's beautiful to see a mother being affectionate with her children. Too many parents aren't doing the job. You can tell that little boy loves his mother. There is obviously a lot of love in that family

Anonymous said...

cute family.

Anonymous said...

I wish white people would stop buying up African babies like they are pets. If they're feeling a bit of white guilt, donate to schools and such but don't buy our kids like a commodity and use them to gain public affection. Last thing you need is these kids growing up whitewashed and confused with greater self-identity issues than usual.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:52 Agree. What's that about anyway. I'm all for love and charity, but this right here seems like the latest trend. "Angie got a black baby; I'll get one too". Sandra Bullock's adoption couldn't have come at a better time with Jesse being into Hitler and all. It makes you wonder what's the real agenda, because there are plenty of kids in the U.S. of all races.

Anonymous said...

@12:52 and @3:55 black people are not adopting black babies so what is your solution??? these children will have a life with Madonna that they would never had.. hell they may not believe alive coming from such a famine stricken country.. so would you rather the children stay and be hungry or adopted by a white person that can take care of them???

Anonymous said...

Wonder what those kids will think when the grow up and see their "Mommy" in a picture getting finger fucked by Big Daddy Kane while tonguing Naomi Campbell down *sips tea*

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