Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ne-Yo Wants Janet Jackson for Michael Jackson Tribute Album

Ne-Yo wants Janet to record songs he wrote for Michael Jackson.

NE-YO is planning to recruit JANET JACKSON to record music he wrote for her late brother MICHAEL, insisting it would be "disrespectful" to hand the songs over to an artist outside the musical family.

The King of Pop approached Ne-Yo to write him an album's worth of material shortly before he passed away last summer (Jun09).

Jackson never had the opportunity to record the tracks but Ne-Yo still wants them to be heard by fans - and is hoping to give them to the superstar's siblings to sing.
Ne-Yo tells Britain's Daily Star, "I've been trying to figure out what to do with those songs. I can't give them to anybody else because they were written for Michael. That would be disrespectful.

"So if I could get Janet and the brothers to do a collaborative tribute, that would be a great idea.

"There are about 10 he personally selected. He told me, 'I like this one, this one, this one.' I can't just put them out by myself because again they were meant for him but they're really good songs, it's good quality music."

Jacked From Contact Music 


Anonymous said...

Janet should record those songs alone.
No diss to J5 but Janet would be the one
to do the music justice.

Anonymous said...

Lemme just say to this cat that we said to Usher six years ago:


"disrespectful"? Negro, please.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Neyo. Hopefully, Janet will be able to do them justice.

Anonymous said...

I damn sure don't wanna hear a Michael Jackson tribute album, where all the artists butchered his songs. Is it really necessary they do this shit? I'd rather pop in one of Mike's CD's & listen to the real thing. Everybody trying to make a buck off of MJ...it's never ending.

Anonymous said...

Ummm Janet can't sing for though she can't I'm just saying. She really can't.

Anonymous said...

aww @6:15 stfu but i would love to hear it

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO way. Janet should NOT record these. Her & Michael may have sounded similar but they NEVER performed each other's musical material and it should stay that way. They were two DIFFERENT artists. Surprised Ne-Yo didn't give the songs to Chris Brown, since he's the closest we have to MJ (ROLLING MY FUCKING EYES). Then again, CB butchers MJ's songs when he tries to sing them so forget that shit.

Anonymous said...

@8:36 AM

6:15 told the fucking TRUTH. So YOU STFU!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ne-Yo is an ugly fake ass bitch who's been talking nuff shit on Chris Brown (a person who was always nice to him) & Usher, YET he thinks Trey Songz is the best male vocalist right now. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Either he is fucking Trey or just trying to get back at CB. #ThatIsAll

Anonymous said...

@ 9:56 who the fuck was talking to you?? *crickets* oh yeaa thats right

Anonymous said...

@6:33 PM

This is a CELEBRITY BLOG where people can respond to whoever the fuck they feel like

now shove those *crickets* up your ass

Anonymous said...

gahhh you're still talking

Anonymous said...

Ne-yo, u want Janet to sing those songs becuz u think that her prestige and name will sell LOTS of units and get U PAID!!!

U aint foolin NO ONE!!

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