Jacked from a random message board.
So I'm on here on facebook and one of my friends is telling me that Eric Williams is with another chick that is blonde at the hudson hotel.
For those who watch basketball wives, buss how my friend saw ex celtic eric williams at the hudson hotel wit this busty blonde but she could of been latino, his wife is on that reality show and she sure as hell not blond if you know wat i mean
This guy was mad because Eric was flirting with his girlfriend/babymama and he didn't like it:
Not trynna rat him out, but he gave me dap and then reached out and shook my lady hand but was too flirty flirty! I aint like that shit yo
Are You Mad Jen? While you were in Chi-town he was with another chick not suprising though...Sounds like he was describing "plastic" Sandra
Yea we saw him at the hudson hotel on 58th and 9th. The My homeboy is a host there so we went for dinner and drinks, the lounge part is nice. Wat made it so bad he had a jumpoff wit him lol. I guess when you got some mill's your chest stick out like kong ya know
No surprise here.
I thought Eric's mouth always appeared a little too juicy for my taste. His teeth and gums looked nasty. Jen appeared REEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYY Stupid. BIG TIME!!
Please he told her his business, is his business. plain and simple. she knows what he does, and its all about the money. Nasty all around.
Jen need to wake up and smell the coffee. As was said on the last episode, the 'wives' take it all and try to pretend like nothing happened. She can turn a blind eye if she want to. Us women love much harder and each woman has a different breaking point, meaning some of us will put up with more then another female, but at some point, we will feel like we've taken/dealt with enough and put our foot down.
Jen can't get mad though because a man will only do what you allow him and take it as far as you let him take it.
Who the fuck wrote this? It's a bunch of words that look like English but don't really make sense.
For all those who have problems with celebrity men cheating oh well they are rich and famous so let them enjoy there time in the spotlight don't forget their women do the same thing its just that they keep it on the low and its not a story so the paps don't cover there wives.
Jen, You already know what you married. You said "I cried during my honeymoon because I felt like I made a mistake". No mistake about it you will get paid in the end when you decided to leave this Eric dude. He aint even that cute.
So? She knows he cheats on her and she accepts it. She may not like it, but she accepts it.
She has ZERO to offer so she should be happy someone wifed her ass up! Beggars can't be choosers!!
@ 12:08 PM
EXACTLY, who ever wrote this illilerate shit, need to go back to school and learn how to write english, dumb bitches always trying to snitch but can't form a sentence.
Ol' boy need subtitles when he talks! He need to spend some cash on speech classes 4 real!
I watched the show and Eric nauseates me. Jen....I feel bad for her because she knows what he does but obviously doesn't think she deserves better.
I mean this dude doesn't even respect her enough to hide it. Plastic (that trash) was right when she told Jen that Eric doesn't care anything about her... He doesn't and how embarrassing for Jen that the entire counrty knows it as well.
yawn.......if you marry a man who plays profession sports, you know what time it is. You marry the fool knowing he is going to offer you all the finer things in life, and he gets to fuck whores on the side.What scares me is the stds. Who knows if he even uses condoms with all of these women. In these type of situations it's best to bounce. She wont leave because her bills are paid in full.
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