Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tiger Woods' Half Brother says Tiger Still Loves Elin

 Tiger Woods long lost brother speaks up for his sibling.
TIGER WOODS' half-brother has become the first family member to speak out about the golf star's indiscretions, insisting he's sure the shamed sportsman and his estranged wife ELIN NORDEGREN still love each other.

Earl Woods, Jr., the eldest of Tiger's three siblings, admits he's had no contact with his famous brother since just before their father died in 2006 - but he felt compelled to speak out in the sportsman's defence after listening to months of poor reporting and commentary following news of Woods' cheating, which broke in November (09).

Arizona-based Woods, Jr. phoned his favourite sports talk radio show The Herd and requested an audience with syndicated presenter Colin Cowherd - the host of the ESPN breakfast programme.

The brief chat aired on Tuesday (17Aug10).

The brother told Cowherd, "He (Tiger Woods) got himself in a world of hurt... He was having to deal with a lot of difficult things.

"(But) a lot of the interviews, a lot of the commentaries... have not been very positive and I think that America forgets what he has done for the game of golf... We don't do many interviews as a family but there were so many things being said about him... and I know that some of those things are not true."

Woods, Jr. admitted his brother was a "control freak" who likes "to have everything laid out in front of him and know what path he's gonna take," and revealed he was sure it was hard for the golfer "to stay focused and productive".

He then got to the heart of the matter and insisted that his brother is "truly in love with Elin," adding, "I know that she has very strong feelings for him."

Woods, Jr. also suggested his late father would be "disappointed" by his famous son's actions, but added, "He would have said, 'This time, these tests are exactly what I trained you for, I prepared you for...' I think he would say, 'Get back on the path'."

Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's really nice what he said about his Father. I truly believe that. But I'm sorry, the only thing that Tiger loves was the goody image his neat little wife & family provided for him. Now that's over. If he truly loved his wife, he would've kept his pants zipped.

Anonymous said...

Hope Tiger was listening.

Anonymous said...

That's nice what he said about his brother, considering that their daddy left them and his other siblings to be with yoko ono and produce his golden child that he prided so much.

I wonder would Tiger go to the bbq cookouts if the other woods' family invited him?

Anonymous said...

If Tiger love Elin then why does he now want to marry Rachel U. I mean men cheat but to cheat on the person that you say you love with over 100 woman is too much, shit 3 is too much more me. Men no long know how to have fling and roll now they want every one to be there secret lovers.

Anonymous said...

And he knows this even though he "admits he's had no contact with his famous brother since just before their father died in 2006..."

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