Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tiger Woods Paternity Suit Thrown Out

Tiger Woods is off the hook in porn star paternity claim.
TIGER WOODS is breathing a sigh of relief after a Florida judge dismissed a paternity case filed against the shamed golfer by porn star DEVON JAMES.

The adult movie actress, real name Melinda Brinling, alleged Woods was the father of her nine-year-old son Austin after reportedly having a fling with the sportsman in 2001.

She went public with the sensational claims earlier this year (10), in the aftermath of Woods' 2009 cheating scandal, and demanded the golf star take a DNA test.

But James faced a court challenge when Woods' lawyers questioned the legitimacy of the bid after it was revealed a man named Pele Watkins had already been named as her son's dad in 2002.

The confusing case took another turn last month (Jul10) when legal documents surfaced alleging Watkins had refused to take a DNA test - and, hence, was never officially named as the father.

Woods' case went before a judge in Manatee County, Florida on Tuesday (17Aug10) and was promptly tossed out when James failed to show up for the hearing, reports

Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...

Still no proof. Tiger should be ashamed. I hope it does turn out to be a positive test years down the road.

Anonymous said...

She had Tiger tested before and he was proven not to be the father. ( I think this is the same girl). So, perhaps now is the time for this ho to move on and for Tiger (his hoeish ass) needs to sit down somewhere and be thankful he did not catch a disease from messing around with these random hoes. SMH @ Tiger.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I don't feel that Tiger has learned his lesson on this. Plus now he wants to marry Rachel U the first that has gain the most moeny from all of this.

Anonymous said...

Are people still talking about this BIG DUMMY!? His golf game is also real effed up now, so he screwed up everything. Hell No he hasn't learned his lesson! He's a narcissist and feels entitled, they don't change.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ her shirt!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He looks just like Tiger. OMG

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