SARAH PALIN has ANOTHER teen pregnancy scandal on her hands - and this time it's BRISTOL''s younger sister WILLOW!Jacked from The National Enquirer
The former Alaska governor recently flipped out after learning that her 16-year-old daughter Willow was not only having sex, but feared she might be pregnant by her 18-year-old boyfriend, sources told The ENQUIRER.
"Sarah was shocked," a close source divulged.
"She felt like she was reliving a nightmare!"
According to the source, Willow began to panic when her period was a week late.
"She went out and bought a home pregnancy test and was on pins and needles," divulged the source.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Does Sarah Palin Have Another Pregnant Teen on her Hands?
Whispers around Wasilla is Willow may be knocked up.
If this bitch can't even control her damn household, htf is she suppose to be anyones president?!?!
The father is impregnating them.... Trip is Bristol's first... why doesn't she teach her daughter's about birth control and morning after pills - there should never be an unwanted pregnancy with all these dang remedies floating about. And I don't get that bullshit about I don't believe in abortion but you believe in fornication? Sin is sin if you fuck without marriage then you shoudl have no qualms killing the resulting fetus.
There is nothing more nauseating than teenage baby mammas ..
Somebody in Alaska is not raising their daughters.
When does Willow have tiime to fuck, she's busy on facebook calling people faggots.
Soooo, I want to know how is this idiot who's completely oblivious to her own household suppose to run a country??? She is a complete moron who cant even raise her moron kids. BTW, where is the slow one??? Tripper, Trigger, Trucker, Trapper, whatever his name is. I haven't seen her with him in forever!!! I guess he's raising himself just like the rest of them.
let's see she is a brain dead robot controlled moron check, she reads what she writes on her hand check, she can see russia from her house check, her daughters are two ugly white hoes, check,her fucked up life and like the poster said before where is the retarded baby trap at? check.
she is a ugly, coke bottle wearing stepford wife with two ugly hoes who keep popping out ugly retarded kids, she is too ugly and stupid for me to keep typing anything else about her slow ass.
If a black politician had two teenage girls who got knocked up, the question America would be asking is: "Why is this problem out of control in the black community?" Teabaggers would have the Obamas arrested if their two daughters became pregnant before their marriage. Most people will only look at Willow as a Palin family pathology, and not a white pathology. We know that teenage pregnacy is high in the black community, but white folks are catching up to us very rapidly. At current rates, the white out-of-wedlock birth rate will match the black out-of-wedlock rate within 25-30 years. It is already the case in many Scandinavian countries, such as Sweden. These Wasilla hillbillies cannot keep their dirty laundry from the public, and if Sara's reality show on TLC is really a reality show, it should appear more like an episode out of Jerry Springer as opposed to the Walton's farce of an image they are selling to the public.
Bristol’s baby daddy (Levi Johnston) momma convicted + sentencved to 3 years in prison or dealing Oxycotin/illegal prescriptions (was the crystal meth charge dropped?). The oldest son Track, an Oycotin addict who faced trespassing-vandalism jail time or the military, joined up. Sarah's hypocrisy is hysterical. She should be at home raising her kids the way good old conservatives profess is best for “family values” rather than tweeting her bullying silliness, attention whoring and stunting for dollars.
^^^ *wink* You betcha!! Cosign!
Where are the Teabaggers? Why don't they protest teenage sex, pregnancy, out of wedlock baby momma trend. They talk so much ish about black people you better focus on your so called leaders, they are off the hook with their major issues.
people she is not worth typing anymore comments about on this blog. from a real black woman with a brain.
@ 9:32 Co-sign!!!!
Teabagging is when someone dips their nut sac in your mouth so are the tea party nut suckers? If so then why is the chick knocked up if all she supposed to be doing is sucking nuts - I'm so confused....
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