Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kim Kardashian's Career is in the Toilet

Proof positive Kim Kardashian will show up anywhere if you pay her enough money.
Some might say she'd turn up to the opening of an envelope, but Kim Kardashian took her penchant for pay cheques and self-promotion to a new extreme today.

The reality TV star showed up in New York's Times Square to cut the ribbon on a new toilet facility.

While it may not have been her most glamorous endorsement, she was still dressed to impress in a form-fitting grey tweed dress and black high heels.

This is the fifth year toilet paper brand Charmin have opened a special services to serve the extra Christmas shoppers in the city.

The 30-year-old also posed happily between two fluffy mascots before pretending to open the door to the bathroom with a giant plastic key.
Jacked from The Daily Mail


Anonymous said...

She don't use toilet paper to clean an ass that big she uses a hot bath and soap....I will be right there cleaning it up no hate just being funny.

Anonymous said...

is it just me, or does this hoe almost make you miss paris hilton? tell me america...was it a downgrade or an upgrade?

Anonymous said...

upgrade to the max....She is what men and women want all that goodness

Anonymous said...

Kim's dumbass went to a Beyonce event the other night. The bitch wants to be Bey soooo bad but she couldn't get a picture with Bey. Bey didn't want to stand close to her and Kim looked sad pretty much all night. She watched Bey like a hawk. I was there and she wanted to be in Bey's VIP section, not! Go and check out some of the photos from the event on Necole Kim was out of focus and she looked a mess.

Bey showed her what a beautiful, black, successful woman should look like.

Back to this article, toilet paper...I can't.

Anonymous said...

I wish 10:48 would post that link! I couldn't find it.

Anonymous said...

@ 7;53: try again because that wasn't funny...

Anonymous said...

3:39AM Here is the link.

Anonymous said...

Perfect endorsement - she's so full of shit....

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