Monday, November 22, 2010

Willow Palin Likes the Sticky Icky?

Willow Palin's Wassilla pals are snitching about her drug use.
Willow Palin's homophobic Facebook slurs shocked the nation last week. But the teenager's online outburst should be the least of her mother Sarah Palin's concerns. Several former peers of the 16-year-old have gone on-record to exclusively reveal to Life & Style that Willow took part in a 1am drug deal, and that she "chugged" vodka when she was just 15.

Lance Nezaticky, a former classmate of Willow's, tells Life & Style that he watched as Willow took part in a drug transaction in a deserted Target parking lot in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, around 1 a.m. on a December night last year. Lance, 18, watched as a male driver pulled up, with Willow riding in the passenger seat. The driver bought $20 worth of marijuana, says Nezaticky, then handed it to Willow. "It was definitely her," Nezaticky tells Life & Style. "There's no question. I had met her before." After buying roughly 2 grams of pot, Willow and her companion drove off. "Willow had been told that the pot was really good stuff," Nezaticky recalls.

Another peer, Matt Scott, 19, shockingly reveals to Life & Style that on Oct. 25, 2009 he looked on as Willow hid herself away at a house party and took swigs straight from a bottle of liquor. Imran Chaudhry, now 19, was also at the party and confirms an underage Willow was guzzling vodka. "I saw her drinking from a bottle of Monarch," he tells Life & Style. "She was chugging it pretty hard." Worried that she'd be spotted, Willow ran to the bathroom and locked herself in with Matt, who also had a bottle of vodka. "She was like, 'I just want to drink,'" Matt tells Life & Style. "She chugged it, then walked out of the bathroom."
Jacked from Life & Style


Bossy Black Girl said...

She looks so uncomfortable in this picture....

Anonymous said...

Ok this is so not my favorite family but what teenager hasn't tried weed and drank alcohol... you want to shock me tell me she's taking it up the azz from McCain.

Anonymous said...

Sarah needs to go back home and check her kids! She's gonna end up being a grandma for a second time. Hopefully this one is on the Depo shot!

Anonymous said...

She looks about 28 in this pic-why does she look so old? She looks older than Bristol. Must be the alcohol...

Anonymous said...

...and this is suppose to be the next first family?

Anonymous said...

If I was young, dumb, ugly and yt like these idiotic crackers, I would want to drink, do all the drugs in the world and have as many ugly genetically fd-up white trash robot babies as I could also to get the stupid out of my family dna, I would be ashamed to be s p's off spring also.

Anonymous said...

are your sure she is a so called teenager because this chick looks to be between 20-40 years old, plus she is ugly stupid and a pregnant drug abusing racist with a female george bush the 2nd white trash, redneck, hillbilly, cracker, ghost, idiotic, ugly, robot, for a so called train wreck of a moma, who wants to be in the white house bitch please.

JeminiBish said...

And Sarah palin Really Thinks She Can Run For PRESIDENT in 2012? SMDH How In The Hell Can She Run The Country With All These Problems She Got In Her Own Household!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish this witch would stay home and control her damn kids. Oh My Goodness if this was Obama's kids you wouldn't hear the end of it. Why isn't Fox 5 report this. Major fall as a parent.

Anonymous said...

Why all the hate for the Palin's they have a real family with real problems. Beautiful daughters jealous men and women surrounding them daily and boom Life & Style got a story because haters will hate...

We all die in the end liked loved hated rich or poor...didn't you get the memo idiots leave the Palin's alone

Anonymous said...

screw the palins

Anonymous said...

Come on, this Matt guy was one of the guys she argued with on facebook, he probably just made all of it up to get back at her. Also, she's a teenager!! Teens across the world are doing much worse things. Stop obsessing over some young girl's life and worry about your own instead. You never know, your son or daughter might be doing what she's been accused of behind your back, but instead of paying attention to them, you're pointing out the faults of other families. Leave them alone.

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