Monday, December 6, 2010

Bobbi Kristina Gone Wild

Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston's 17 year old daughter Bobbi Kris was photographed making out with her boyfriend. One question though? Which one of her "friends" sold her out and sent these pictures to the blogs?

Jacked from MediaTakeOut


Anonymous said...

She sent this shit herself, nobody is checking for Whitneys daughter!

Anonymous said...

just wait. bobbi kris is feelin like she's old enough to finally take over the industry... she's gonna be the next montana fishrburne, LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Why is his face the only face blotted out? He sent them.

Anonymous said...

Those are harmless - you want to impress me show me the shots of her crack piping it with Whitney while Bobby get the heroin needle ready....

Anonymous said...

Damn, will the rest of my fellow black queens stand up, please. If you doing raggedy bitch shit, sit down.

Anonymous said...

shes 17! I think its old enough to make out...

Anonymous said...

ewww ,is he a white boy?

Anonymous said...

Thank you 1st comment. She need 4Loko and cig money

Anonymous said...

What a whore! Just great. I mean, do what you want to do, give it away, put yourself "out there" like that, no problem in my book......Just don't bore us to tears when your 40 years old, three babies by three dudes, and complaining that there are "no good" men out there...

Another in a long line of clueless females who are damaged goods...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

She is lost in her life!Poor girl! I´m young but i really have control about my feelings. I never do things like that! Someone needs to help her if she want it:D

tamia said...

bobbi kristina what are u doing

tamia said...

are u racist because thats mean

tamia said...

don't call bobbi kristina a name

Tamia said...

bobbi kristina i love u and i don't want u doin things like that ok

Tamia said...

hey Bobbi Kristina listenu are the best girl ever and u will become famous like ur mom i love u keep ur heads up.

Tamia said...

Hi Bobbi Kristina u will become famous one day just like ur mother ur parents are wealthy u are one lucky girl.

Tamia said...

I hope ur okay Bobbi Kristina don't read negative comments people are rude these days.

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