Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Brad Pitt Orders Angelina Jolie Into Therapy

Brad Pitt can't take Angelina Jolie's raging temper.

Get help NOW!" That's the desperate demand BRAD PITT issued to ANGELINA JOLIE after the two quarreled over her runaway raging temper.

The Inglourious Basterds star is insisting that Angelina get anger management counseling immediately to save their family, say sources.

"Brad thinks Angie has a major problem, and he wants her to deal with it before she does something she'll regret," revealed an insider.

"He believes she should get into treatment right away."

As The ENQUIRER recently reported, the 35-year-old Oscar winner's violent screaming rages have reduced the couple's sensitive daughter Shiloh to tears.

And the insider maintained that Brad's worried that if Angie "doesn't learn to control her outbursts, something awful could happen. He's concerned for the kids' and Angie's well-being."

The Tourist beauty and Brad are parents to three biological children - Shiloh, 4, and 2-year-old twins, Vivienne and Knox. They also have three adopted youngsters - Maddox, 9, Pax, 7, and 5-year-old Zahara. This isn't the first time Angie's hair-trigger temper has caused a relationship crisis.

The handsome 47-year-old actor has long been frustrated with Angelina's self-destructive behavior, including a suicide attempt and weight-loss issues.

An emotional meltdown this past summer nearly drove Angelina to check herself back into a mental hospital. Her first stay in a psych ward was in 2000, when she committed herself to the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA Medical Center.

But after an overstressed Angelina unloaded on Shiloh during a Nov. 30 outburst in Paris, Brad decided to confront his partner of six years.

"While they were in New York, Brad sat Angie down and told her point-blank that she needs professional help," explained the insider.

"He said, 'No more excuses - get help now!' "He won't tolerate her lashing out at their kids.

"Brad told Angie he wanted her to start intensive therapy right away.

"He didn't leave any room for negotiating. He will take the kids and leave if Angie doesn't own up to her anger issues.

"But Brad loves her dearly, and he has promised to be supportive and stick with Angie as she works through her problems."
Jacked from The National Enquirer


things that make you go hmm said...

if you had 6 kids under the age of 10, you'd be lashing out, too!

things that make you go hmm said...

jk! ;)

Anonymous said...

Angelina very beautiful but Insane. Can you imagine her crazy glowing eyes when it's time to tuck you into bed?

Anonymous said...

No, you're right. Kids under a certain age need constant watching over and guidance. They may not always follow instructions the first time around, they can't help out with housework and those are the most formative years so you really have to watch yourself.

If you've seen 'Mommie Dearest' and thought that sh!t was funny, think about the fact that was 50 yrs ago when Joan Crawford was the parent from hell. These days, kids sometimes kill (or attempt to) the parent they hate. W

Anonymous said...

Not buying this shit till Ryan Seacrest reports on it... and crazies run in packs so maybe Brad's grizzly adams beard growing ass is a lil bit insane too.... I mean he got to be down with the our daughter "John" shit too...

Anonymous said...

Brad is hooked on stupid. He can't live with her and he can't live without her. Angie has always been on the edge emotionally. She was a cutter for crying out loud. She needs to learn how to deal with her triggers and I'm sure she has a lot of them. Behavioral Therapy is a good place to start for her. Brad is addicted to her like a drug, so his boundaries get skewed. not a healthy relationship.

Anonymous said...

I keep thinking that Dr. Drew was right. Someone should issue Dr. Drew an apology. He was right. Jolie was a heroin addict and probably still uses, coupled with a series of DEEP psychosis issues that Brad should have seriously looked at before he decided to procreate with her...Sometime beautiful chicks are the most ugliest and horrible people to deal with.
((((PAGING DR. DREW)))--ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

i believe dr.drew was right or he wouldnt have said it that bitch is crazy she looks crackish! come on Brad i'll take care of them kids!;)

Anonymous said...

Brad left a caring wife for a controlling bish who he can't control and she knows it and have fun with him. Men just another reason why you should never leave your home life for easy attainable sex. She is breaking Brad down by the minute. I don't think she reall wants this man but is why for the next best claim up. I want to see will Johny Deep be that stupid since he just made that last movie with her.

Anonymous said...

The funny part is that Brad us to be a love them and leave them kind of fella but now he can'y leave this crazy bish. Karma at its best

Anonymous said...

he can't leave her because he'll be embarrased by all the "i told you so's" and *side eyes* from his mama, family, friends, peers, and last but not least jennifer aniston.

karma 101:

it doesn't get you the first year, or the second or the third. no karma slowly but surely creeps up, sucking the blood out of your life while you go on pretending that whatever you did was not wrong then in it's last battle like gush of a winter slow blizzard wind, karma knocks you down, breaks you into pieces until finally you are broken and in despair.

common sense 101:
yes life is full of mistakes but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to avoid them. never marry a man or woman that has been twice or three times or more divorced, three times for jolie and three times for pitt. there is a reason people like these have a trail of exes.

Anonymous said...

^ Brad Pitt's been married/divorced thrice? when did that happen, and to/from whom?

Anonymous said...

When are ALL of you including BRAD gonna understand that this lunatic has been going thru withdrawals, you don't go from Billy Bob Thornton and drugs to Brad Pitt and a house full of kids without treatment.

Angelina is a drug induced lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Brad Left a Caring wife? LOL Caring? Caring? hahahahaha now that is some funny SH*T!!!! Yeah she cared so much that she didn't want to fu*k up her body to have children with this man. If she cared so much, she would of had his babies..Her movie career haven't went anywhere.. she make the same da*n movies all of the time. BORING!!!! too bad, and Maybe angelina do need therapy..who are you nobodies to say anything?

Anonymous said...

DON'T blame the KIDS, they have NANNIES and housekeepers.

its Angelina, and the public who worships this bitch cause she constantly adopting kids and everybody thinks she is the mother teresa.

She is crazy.

Anonymous said...

Angelina, you are a psycho bitch. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Somebody, help that ho!!!

Anonymous said...

Yall are on point. Jennifer did not want kids. Dude wanted kids-tons of them. He saw Jolie on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith with her son Maddox, and of course the sex appeal Angie exudes, thus, she almost always winds up screwing the lead men in her movies anyway...the stars were unfortunately aligned for them to get together. Brad always wanted tons of kids, he has every man's best dream of a woman, but lives a nightmare each and every damned day with AJ. Someone was right when the said she is a cutter and she needs serious behavior therapy and DVT therapy. These treatments takes a long time at least a year for intensive effective therapy and then ongoing outpatient care. I cannot see Ang doing it, at least that long. Who knows, maybe she will if Brad is really serious and not p*ssywhooped.--ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

How do you know what Brad said to Angelina? Who is the source? Does Angelina seem crazy? Yes! Is Brad Pitt fine as what no, especially in Troy? Hell Yes! These are facts. Let these people live their lives without us diagnosing them with our opinions.

Anonymous said...

I hope they work it Out. I luv AJ and BP they are my fantasy celebrity threesome!

Anonymous said...

suck dick, bitches from coach Cunninghem the Athletic director of Goliad texas, zip code 77963, if u have a problem with me posting shit, then contact the goliad high school and do something fuckers

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