Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chaz Bono Releasing Documentary

Cher's "son" Chaz made a documentary about his life and gender reassignment surgery.

Chaz Bono made headlines when he had a gender reassignment from a female to a male, and he revealed to ET that he's been making a documentary about his life that was chosen for the Sundance Film Festival.

Chaz, child to music icon Cher and the late Sonny Bono, is the producer on the "special project" as well as being the subject of the film. "I hope it's going to help change hearts and minds on this issue so that people can fully understand," he told ET while at an event to celebrate GLAAD's (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) 25 year anniversary.

He promises that the documentary will reveal "more than anybody's ever seen before." According to Chaz, the film is expected to be released some time next year.

Jacked from E Online


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When society starts completely accepting this abomination we are doomed. I still see chastity in that freakish body screaming 'help me'. Cher didn't do her damn job as a mom, leaving that kid with her lesbian friends while she traveled & played superstar. Cher's best friend turned her daughter out and now she's all screwed up. Poor thing never had a chance.

Anonymous said...

Boy she is hideous. I don't care what kind of surgery she's had, she is still a woman. Regardless. What a mess.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its sad that even in these times, people still are evil and cruel to the core. who the hell cares what they did to themselves? cher's mothering has NOTHING to do with whether or not this man (cause thats what he's identified as now) did to make himself happy. and the fact that he is sharing this with others who are struggling and having hard times with the same issue is great.
a person is who they are, and before you start throwing bibles, and condeming people to hell and so fourth, look at your damn selves and the times you commited adultery, blasphemy, disrespected or defied your parents, had premarital sex, some probably sex offenders, womanizers, rapist, etc... if you look at your own faults you wouldnt have room to be so close minded. also the only judge is God.. who are you to place or say anyone is going anywhere? feel free to attack this message... like you.. i said what i wanted to say.

Anonymous said...

she was so cute as a little girl. i remember being a little envious that she had famous parents and probably had every material thing available to her. i would never want to trade places with her for NOTHING. BOTTOM LINE she is miserable and i dont think its a matter of being confused about her gender...her issues are deeper than that. its not what she is eating, it's what's eating her...s/he is miserable...that is a horrible shame.

Anonymous said...

She was such a cute little girl when she was younger to now turn into a big man.

I don't understand the roles in this type of relationship - why can't a women be a women, that loves to date a women? Why is it that one women has to play the role as a man and the other a women? Her partner is very much the women in the relationship. If that is the case, why not just date a "REAL MAN" instead of a women trying to come off like a man. Something doesn't seem natural about this because it always comes back to a man and women as it relates to the roles in the relationship.

Anonymous said...

I can understand her gender assignment surgery, but did the bitch have to go fat, too?

Anonymous said...

@1:37pm There are many women who do in fact date other women, both feminine. It's a matter of personal preference. People try to hard to understand homosexuality. It just is what it is. Some people like Coke, some like Pepsi, and none of them can explain exactly why. And nobody really cares. Gay people are gay. So what.

Anonymous said...

Unattractive dyke!!

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