Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Janet Jackson on Tupac

Janet Jackson says there was a sweet side to rapper Tupac Shakur that the public never got to see.
JANET JACKSON still misses her late POETIC JUSTICE co-star TUPAC SHAKUR, insisting the "sweet" rapper wasn't always the tough guy he portrayed through his music.

Jackson made her film debut alongside Shakur in the 1993 romance, and became close friends with the hardman hip-hop star, who was fatally shot in Las Vegas three years later (96).

And Jackson reveals she saw Shakur's softer side on set.

She tells Britain's Sunday Telegraph, "Pac was just silly. He was completely different from what people knew. Not that it was an act, the person that the world knew, because that was him, too. I adored him - he liked to play and laugh.

"I remember when he said he was going back to L.A. to get a tattoo. And I said, 'Why are you going to L.A. We're not supposed to leave, we have a shoot tomorrow.' He looked at me and said, 'Square!' When he came back he showed me the tattoo he got on his stomach. He was sweet. Granted, there was another side, but he wouldn't snap or go crazy out of nowhere. There had to be something that triggered that. I miss him."
Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...

Janet Jackson can stfu because old heads remember how Tupac said you dissed him and got your phone number changed as soon as the shooting for Poetic Justice was over.

Anonymous said...

Okay, she was put on blast years ago. She needs the publicity she's going on tour.

Anonymous said...

We all know Pac was a good person, Ms. Jackson. What we wanna know is why you (allegedly) threw so much shade his way while filming Poetic Justice?

Anonymous said...

lol @ her changing her number after the shooting of the movie. sounds like something i would do, lol. but for real maybe she just wasn't comfortable around him, tupac with all his greatness had a lot of demons, maybe she could see it and didn't want to be apart of it. you can't force being comfortable around someone when you clearly aren't.

Anonymous said...

Nice of JJ to speak so 'fondly' of someone who she demanded an HIV test from before he could kiss her during filming.... Dueces Ms Jackson we know you the nasty one!

Anonymous said...

aint this the same girl who changed her number so tupac couldnt call her as soon as the movie poetic justice was done....fake ass bitch

Anonymous said...

December 1, 2010 8:38 AM me and u said the same thing i anit even read the comments first i was just so mad at this fake bitch

Anonymous said...

That is so funny how everyone rememebers what Tupac said about her... I guess she doesn't remember...LOL!! smh... She sounds so phoney..

Anonymous said...


♫♥☆♪MoN!QU3♫♥☆♪ said...

I'll never forget when she pissed him off by asking for a HIV test

malika the sexy cynic said...

lol, i'm glad i'm not the only one that remembers that. yeah, he was real hurt and pissed off when he talked to arsenio about that. janet must be trying to win over some younger fans by clinging to his name, because those of us that were there remember it like it was yesterday.

Anonymous said...

yeah that is so fake! she didn't even really fuck with pac not to mention he invited her to his album release party!!!!!!! and she didn't show up

Anonymous said...

Everybody STFU....if Janet wanted to protect herself by asking for a test that is her damn right dumb @sses, if you fools wouldn't have given a damn about your lives in that same situtation than thats your choice. Just because she didn't want to contract aids from him doesn't mean she didn't like him as a fools sound STUPID... She had EVERY RIGHT to request any type of STD test from anyone that she had to kiss for any movie. That is why so many people are infected with so much sh*t now in this world because they "don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by asking for a test"... Shut Up FOOLS.....

Anonymous said...


read this and take a chill pill. word to ya mother.

Anonymous said...

@12:36 from 8:08

I read that stupid @** fake @** site that you posted. Am I supposed to be fazed by that ignorant @** bullshit. What I said earlier stands...I don't care if she is a a "hasbeen"...I am far from being a Janet stan or groupie...dumb@**. I could really give a rats a** about her career or her ranking amongst other singers or entertainment b*tches. What I was trying to say to the chicken heads and now "you" since you put yourself in this discussion is that Janet (and any other female in this world) has the right to request from any mofo a std test regardless of the reason. It is pretty ignorant of anyone to try and down her because she chose to have a man tested that was gonna be slobbering in her gotd@MN mouth. Don't get it twisted I probably like Tupac more than I do Janet, but that doesn't change the fact that I respect her right to request a test if she felt she needed to have one for her peace of mind. How can you hate on her for that?

Now as for the "word to ya mother" comment don't get that a** taxed by bringing my mama into this conversation. Were talking about Janet, not my mama b*tch... Now go down a entire bottle of those chill pills you was offering me and OFF YOUR DAMN SELF... Ignorant @** Wench...

Anonymous said...

at 8:08 Now YOU have a warm mug of STFU. Do you require an HIV test for everybody that you KISS? Probably not. That is insulting....

Anonymous said...

@1044...To answer your question no I don't have everyboy I Kiss (which is my husband) take a test prior. But, I am not going to down someone that does require someone to take one. That wasn't her man or significant other. That was a someone she didn't know a gotd@mn thing about as far as his medical history. How about you go kiss every professed "thug" (and yes I said thug because that is what he called himself and had tatted on his body)you can find out on the streets and if you come up free from any type of germ, disease, cold sore than I stand corrected. But your missing point probably because your a damn fool...but the point is just because you don't require it doesn't mean she can't require it. It was her mouth...her lips...her tongue...her spit...not your YOURS and if she wanted to know who and what she was swapping spit with that was HER RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now take that warm mug of STFU and shove it down your own piehole.

Anonymous said...

you get insulted by "word to ya mother" (a catch-phrase from the late 80's), but you calling people a "wench"? WTF are you from the 16th century? Let me order you a extra large GTFOOH with a side helping of NIGGA PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

12:24 Please!! You tried to turn it into a health issue when you KNOW her ass was just acting like an asshole! Nobody is tripping about her worrying about her health, but don't fake the funk.I wonder if she has ever required ANYONE else that she's done a movie with to take test. Probably NOT.So let's stop pretending. You can KISS my ASS (without a test)

Anonymous said...

I don't give a dizz@mn if it is a catch-phrase from the late 50's. When your talking to ME online don't mention my mother because I will get insulted and let you HAVE IT! As for your last line, is that all you got? That is so wack and corny. How old are you? Go sit down somewhere and STFU grandma!

@ 5:44 I didn't try to turn it into a health issue...Janet did... You think she asked him to take a test just for the hell it. You think she didn't do it for health reasons? It doesn't matter if she has required anyone else to take one or not. She required TUPAC and that was her RIGHT regardless of her reason or motivation.

As for kissing your stanky funky n@sty @** without a test...I PASS. I am sure you have waaaayyyyy to many sh*t stains and doodoo hole punches in your panties for me to handle. Plus, I enjoy living wayyyy to much to jeopardize it by kissing your disgusting @**.

Unknown said...

....I hear all y'all but give Janet some slack. Yes she was wrong with everything that she did which made me too wonder why she now saying something after soooo many years. But now I realize Janet did not grow up around this kinda stuff ya know "hood" ...... so I really think she was scared in a way. And it really was not until she got with JD that she begin to understand something about the gangta thug life PAC know off .....

Anonymous said...

If more people in hollyweird did as Janet did and asked that all of their costars had a clean bill of health NO ONE WOULD WORK. Tupac and Janet were both acting like divas. But Tupac acted like a hurt teenager putting all that news out there. I am thinking Janet knew some things about Tupac.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:21 PM ,your really doing nothing but showing how ignoramt and immature you are.I feel sorry for your husband.But just so you know it's highly unlikely to catch aids from kissing.(that was just dumb)she was disrespectful and out of line.Ps I never grew up in the hood but you'd never catch me treating a guy from the hood the way she did tupac.She is fake,she's trying to stay relevant.

Anonymous said...

how The FCK GET SOMEONE infect whit a kiss stupit a**. FCK evry b*tch that dissed or insult pac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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