Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kim Kardashian Does a Keg Stand With Her Mom

Lost footage from Kim and Kourtney Take New York show Kris Jenner holding Kim upside down to drink from a beer keg. So classy that Kris is.

This isn’t really news, but luckily I don’t do really do news here. I pretty much focus my attention on the attention whores begging for it, and when I saw these pictures of 30 year old Kim Kardashian doing a keg stand with her mother like some kind of college girl who wasn’t too old, too fat and too washed up, I was forced to play out memories I have of her getting pissed on by black dudes in sex tapes…..not that I ever saw those scenes in the sex tape, but I know what a toilet for the colored folks at the back of the bus looks like when I see one, and this is prett much it…

I’ve got an issue with girls who drink beer to begin with. From my 20s onwards, unless bitch was drinking a Corona by the beach, I was disgusted by her, there’s just something sloppy about a girl drunk on beer, and that’s usually her gut she’s got hanging over her pants, not to mention her doppy face, her sea legs and the look of wanting to be loved in her eye, cuz I guess beer drunk, is different that cocaine and vodka redbull drunk, that should be kept for backpacking pub girls from the trailer park, you know those middle American not so cultured suburban trash chugging beer and not the girls I want to fuck….meaning Kim Kardashian is pretty much doing what everything about her would expect me to be doing….at least based n her body type…

I don’t know if I explained myself the way I wanted to, but what I am saying is that beer girls are pigs and so is Kim Kardashian, so it all makes sense and I didn’t have to post all those other words…about how pathetic and unerotic this is.
Jacked from Drunken Stepfather


Anonymous said...

I think it is nasty period for a women to drink or smoke.

Anonymous said...

There is always something being skeeted in Kim's face and mouth, so what else is new?!

Anonymous said...

Is this 2010? You think it is nasty period for a women to drink or smoke. Go suck a fat one.

Anonymous said...

Kim is desparate and her 15 minutes are up!!!

Reggie is no more. He made her look good after being pissed on but she still comes up as Garbage. Oh well, she may front for the cameras but poor thing is really crying at home.

Also, I think Kris knows that Kim is a lost cause so she will always be by her side.
Believe it or not, Kourtney and Khloe are the strong ones. They do not allow Kris to control them.

Remember, Kim NEVER use to drink now she is getting drunk more often. She is on her way to a pattern like Paris Hilton.
Also, Kris was the one who told Kim to go up on the stage during Reggie's Superbowl interview. What happened afterwards...Kim lost Reggie.

Khloe did not do this with Lamar when the Lakers won the championship because, she was in the back of the stadium waiting and Kourt makes her own decisions about Scott.

Anonymous said...


"I was forced to play out memories I have of her getting pissed on by black dudes in sex tapes…..not that I ever saw those scenes in the sex tape, but I know what a toilet for the colored folks at the back of the bus looks like when I see one, and this is prett much it…"


Anonymous said...

I don't care what year it is @4:49, it's very unattractive when a woman smokes, eww! Take that!

Anonymous said...


I agree. Women lose all self-respect when it comes to drinking and smoking!! I could careless what another jackass thinks. Apparently the one offended is in the group. I will agree again TAKE THAT! LOL

Anonymous said...

That is HOT!!

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