Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mariah Carey Says The Same Thing Alot

If you happen to catch Mariah Carey on the Home Shopping Network, you might want to keep it on mute.
Mariah Carey spent about six hours yammering on HSN yesterday, hawking her perfume/jewelery/Christmas album/shoes and complaining about her pregnancy. I watched all of it. Above is everything you possibly would need to know about it — except for her constant talk about the need to layer lotion underneath perfume, because frankly, that was boring. The rest of it was wondrously fascinating (not really, but I mean, I watched it all). The woman knows how to talk, but even better than that, she knows how to repeat herself. Aw!

Jacked from Four Four


Anonymous said...

I don't know how Nick puts up with her divatude. I couldn't watch all of that crap.

Anonymous said...

Dear God, I would rather eat shard glass than to hear that bitch say, "pregnant" again! I couldn't watch all of it either because she talks too damn much about herself. What is she selling again????

Anonymous said...

she is sooooo big. She is gonna be Aretha big one day, pregnant or not. i feel like she just uses the pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything in sight.

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep talking about this stupid pregnant ass bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

Who knew she could blow up like that. I never would have thought in a million years that she would become so large. She is 40 I think, or close to it, so she wasn't going to stay small forever. I wouldnt buy a single thing that er crazy ass is selling.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! buy my smelly perfume and trash cd!

Anonymous said...

WOW SOOOOOO Annoying !!!!! Ok I really cant see a 29 year old man being married to her for a very LONG time...

Anonymous said...

I guess her feet must remain propped during this pregnancy.
She sure is rather HUGE, more like 1 cheeseburger bite away from being a fat cow.

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