Monday, December 27, 2010

Stephen Baldwin Suing Kevin Costner

Stephen Baldwin says Kevin Costner tried to gaffle him. 
Stephen Baldwin is suing Kevin Costner for $3.8 million over a tiff involving oil-separating technology that the Waterworld actor pushed to help solve the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A complaint filed in Louisiana District Court alleges that Baldwin and friend Spyridon Contogouris entered into a joint agreement to help market the technology — developed under the Costner in Nevada Corporation (CINC) — to BP following the spill. Court papers, however, claim Costner excluded them from a meeting with BP that resulted in an $18 million down payment for the CINC technology. After allegedly not being told of the meeting, Contogouris and Baldwin claim Costner used the $18 million to buy them out of the enterprise, forcing them to give up approximately $2 million of their shares one day prior to BP’s $52 million purchase of CINC technology. Contogouris is suing for $10.64 million; both plaintiffs are claiming securities fraud and misrepresentation.
Jacked from Entertainment Weekly


Anonymous said...

So you didn't hold out long enough and now you're pissed? Its called business asshole. Not his fault that all you saw were $$$$ signs.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Baldwin is a loser, just like his brother daniel. A whole bunch of irish american trash. Alec and william are the decent ones! sad to say!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a sly underhanded yet brillianty legitimate business move on Costner's part - business is cut throat - ask Paul McCartney about that (he told Mike Jackson to invest in music catalogs so Mike out bid him for the Beatles).... those Baldwin's have bad tempers - I can see him straight beating the shit out of Kev if they run into each other - let me know when that happens Gossip Jacker....

Anonymous said...

He is a "christian" so he will go in peace. money isn't everything

Anonymous said...


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