Willow Smith is getting show biz advice from two of the best in the game.
Singer Willow Smith, 10, has been getting advice on handling her success from Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce Knowles.Jacked from Contact Music
Willow Smith gets advice from Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles.
The 10-year-old singer - whose parents are actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith - has been told by the famous couple to enjoy her experiences of chart success.
Asked which celebrities give her advice, she said: "My mom, my dad, Jay-Z, Beyonce. That's probably it. They give me advice like, 'Have fun.' "
Despite having famous parents, the 'Whip My Hair' singer still gets excited when she meets other celebrities but insists she is always able to keep her cool when she meets her idols.
She said: "I've met Lady Gaga. She was awesome.
"Was I starstruck? Not really. I was very cool. I kept my composure."
One area Willow doesn't take advice from other people is in her wardrobe, insisting she chooses all her own clothes.
She said: "I just be myself. I choose my own clothes. It's schoolgirl meets punk rock."
She needs to take the advice of a school teacher and learn her abc's and do this singing thing later in life. The Smiths are on some crazy scientology tip.
"I just be myself." Exhibit A on why she needs that tutor
Beyonce's advise:
Stay the f in your lane bitch cause I still got a few years before my age really starts to show and I don't need your boyish looking ass no where around. Got it. Good.
Hell she's proably on the same grade level as beyonce non english speaking ass. What is she going to give her advice about pussy poppin. Jada and Will need to stop with all this nonsense. Let that child perform at school were she needs to be
Oprahs OWN network=NWO new world order. Willow is part of the illuminati too, trying to confuse the younger generation too. Oprah in Australia inducting Hugh Jackman into the Illuminati, thus his public accident on his left eye, they toasted the success of it with wine infront of the innocent spectators. Rihanna, Jay z, Beyonce are in Australia, so is john Travolta...pray for your souls!
any time people don't like certain celebs they go with the nwo crap you guys really need to stop taking that nwo stuff so serious if there is an nwo we are in it anytime you guys don't like people they are devilworshippers lol
@ 7:49 , Ah, another clueless individual speaks. Look whomever you are, believe what thou wilst. When things really bad, just know you were one of those idiots who thought this NWO/ illuminati stuff was for play-play. I'm not even going to say I told you so when that day comes. So, I'll just do it now. I told you so, pendejo/pendeja!!!!!!!!
Beystankin and Gay Z (Joe Camel)are two of the biggest frauds in the game.
my uuestion is WHY? would her two handlers=false idol parents, let her take advice from two grown people who don't have it together their selves, look at beyonce=bouncy she pops her cat all the time, sc=camel face, he shot his brother, and stabbed another guy in either the late 90's or early part of 2000.
I meant question excuse the typo, where is the correction tape when you need it.
Here is some real advice willow, beg to be adopted by your grandparents, they raised your parents with good sense, and now they have lost all of there sense,because they obviously aren't raising you and your brother, after joining in that cult of craptology.
Willow is too young too be idolizing these celebrities especially when she already has the hook up through her parents. Yeah they sound like they are not giving her much restrictions and she is not even 12.
Willow looks like she is handling her fame well.
Her parents are famous enough said.
Anyone of you would be happy to meet Jay Z and Beyonce so quit hating.
Jay and Bey are one of the most famous, black couples in the biz and so are Will and Jada. How can you top that!!!
She looks like a stooge. Why is she walking around looking like Moe? That's so not cute...at all. BTW, please take a break to eat every now and again.
I wish Willow all the success in the world. She is young and has her entire life ahead of her unlike some of these grown people commenting.. She has time to error.. Get your stuff together and maybe you will live better.
The only concern I have with this child is her education. I want the smith's to make the educational process as important as the entertainment process. what I do get from the smith's is they are teaching her anything is possible. all it takes is hard work and detemination.
Good luck willow...
Beyonce and Jay are great people to learn about the entertainment business from... Stop the hate..I see no need in calling this child names just to get a point across.
^ WORD. And with that .. I can't even stand the sight of her little alien lookin', scrunched fucking face MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Kid Creole should not be giving advice. Beyawnce can hardly articulate a sentence yet alone a decent intellectual conversation. This is damned sad that these two are giving this child advice like they have their own children? No one learned from Michael Jackson I guess? This child as cried out in at least a half dozen interviews that she is behind in school and misses her friends. Will and Jada need to let this child be a child and enjoy her friends, school, etc. These kids should not be in the business until they are in the teens/late teens at least!--ThatBKChick
I guess Bey and J are the ideal ones to give advice to lil Willow. They are all on the same grade level and and bey and jay cater to her age group anyway. These people are old enough to be this child's and most of their fans parents. Kinda scary and sad.
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