Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gabriel Aubry Playing Hardball with Halle Berry

Gabriel Aubry wants to protect his rights as a father and has petitioned for joint physical and legal custody along with support.
Sure, Halle Berry stars in Frankie and Alice, a drama to be released next month but in her personal life she’s dealing with some drama of another sort. A few weeks ago Gabriel Aubry, former beau and baby daddy to their two-year-old daughter filed for court documents to officially be declared the father of their child.

Despite reports they split up on decent terms last spring, it looks Gabriel just wants to protect his legal rights. He filed a petition for joint physical and legal custody along with support.

As for why their five year relationship fizzled in the first place? Source told RadarOnline, “Gabriel felt it just wasn’t working any more. When they were first together, the nine year age difference between them didn’t phase him, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever dated and was totally in love.”
Jacked from OK Magazine


Anonymous said...

I don't blame him, Halle be on some dumb mental shytt at times, and I could see her not letting him in that childs life, and her even controlling how he spends time with her.

Nahla need a sane adult on her side, its clear Halle's mom has no say so in anything, and Halle is a basket case, Aubry probably see that he is needed in his daughters life.


Anonymous said...

Uhm anon how did you arrive at any of this? Do you know Halle personally? Just wondering...

Anonymous said...

Why is he protecting his rights? He IS the childs father. He already has rights.

Aubry is mad that Halle has moved on and she was his meal ticket. She opened up a restaurant for him. I don't hear about that anymore.

Anonymous said...

If you are not married, you have to declare in court or have a certificate of acknowledge that states you are the biological father.

I don't know what's going on with them but I do know that a man who is not married to the child's mother at birth has no legal rights without petitioning the court.

While they were together he probably didn't see a reason to do so. But once they split, this was the best thing for him to do for himself and his daughter.

Anonymous said...

I saw this comeing when Halle was preggers! I knew she would hog that child all to herself. That child is now her life, and she only wants him to see their daughter on her terms. She thought the male versace model was stupid, nope! she thought wrong! fathers have rights, and they need to go to court and get them. This case is going to get nasty! Finally halle Berry can't play the victim.

Anonymous said...

I can see the point of getting his name on the birth certificate but I don't see the reason to ask for child support when the child lives with the mother majority of the time.

Anonymous said...


That is not true in every state I live in DC and a father can put his name on the birth certificate even if he is not married to the mother. Now you do have to go to court to get joint custody.

anna said...

when singer melanie fiona and actor csi miami adam rodriquez they will go thru the same thing but as for right now he just settles for licking all up in her ass(anus)an occassionally hitting the pussy now and then.

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