Monday, January 24, 2011

Nicki Minaj Kicked Out of London Hotel Shoo'd Away From Buckingham Palace

Nicki Minaj has been tearing a swath across London and causing trouble every step of the way.
Nicki Minaj, hip-hop superstar, is running riot in London, even getting under the skin (should that be bearskins?) of the Queen's guards at Buckingham Palace. Nicki is having a ball and her fans, or 'barbz', as she calls them, are joining in the fun.

When she arrived at Heathrow airport MinajMinaj was mobbed and was later kicked out of the world famous Dorchester Hotel after her fans kept invading the building to get down with the outrageous U.S. star.

The Buckingham Palace incident came as the current queen of hip hop went on an impromptu late night tour of London led by none other than BBC Radio One DJ Tim Westwood. She had earlier appeared on Westwood's radio show.

The Nicki Minaj / Tim Westwood sight seeing tour of London took in Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament and the London Eye before Minaj with her huge entourage in tow bowled up outside Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace security were not pleased as Minaj and fans parked up their vehicles in no stopping zones outside the Palace, home of the Queen of England. The posse of assorted stars and fans led by Queen Nicki were oredered back into their cars and to leave the area.

Minaj seemed unperturbed and continued her tour with Westwood, tweeting ecstatically to the world about how much fun she was having.
Jacked from All Voices


Anonymous said...

i am glad someone is more famous than beyonce

Anonymous said...

go Nicki, Kim who, I guess Kimberly will do another video about Nicki

Anonymous said...

I don't blame them. Bitch looks like a runaway clown from the Ringling Brothers Circus

Anonymous said...

please keep her over there, lock her ass up, just don't bring her back here :)

Anonymous said...

She can keep that clown act over there!

Abel said...

Great news

Anonymous said...

Nicki Minaj is hands down the baddest and hottest Bitch in the world right now, bow down u haters

Anonymous said...

^^^lil wayne is that you???

Anonymous said...

5:16 you're a loser. i bow down to no man/woman.

Anonymous said...


No it's not; the majority of those words were spelled correctly. 'Twas probably Drake.

Anonymous said...

this bitch is not more famous the beyonce , because if she as he album would be at least 3 mil;lion and its only 900k so chill out with those bullshit talks

Anonymous said...


Have a seat somewhere Solange and teach Julez his ABC's lol. We know who the queen bitch is

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

LOL @ 5:05. "Wrapper" LOL!!!. WhereTF does she shop? Not even Forever 21 or H&M. All of her outfits look cheap - like she shops at Fallas, Fashion 4 Less, Walmart & Kmart

Anonymous said...

*sigh* niggas with money...

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