Oprah and Gayle get exposed for the umpteenth time.
A teary OPRAH WINFREY insisted to BARBARA WALTERS that she and best friend GAYLE KING are not gay - but an in-depth ENQUIRER investigation has uncovered the REAL truth about their shocking secret life.Jacked from The National Enquirer
Inside sources reveal that behind closed doors the two women live a lesbian lifestyle - sleeping together in the same bed and vowing to love each other unconditionally for the rest of their lives.
Both washed their hands of men years ago, insiders say, with Oprah callously betraying her former fiance Stedman Graham to nurture her relationship with Gayle.
What's more, sources say the wealthy and powerful talk-show queen has used payoffs, bribes and outright lies to keep America from learning her secrets.
"Oprah and Gayle genuinely love each other," an Oprah family member told The ENQUIRER.
"But they don't think the rest of the world could ever understand their feelings, so they keep their private life quiet."
Oprah, 56, opened up about her sexuality and her relationship with BFF Gayle, 56, during an interview on ABC's "A Barbara Walters Special: Oprah, The Next Chapter."
Oprah told Barbara: "I am not a lesbian…I'm not even kind of a lesbian."
But when she tried to explain her feelings for Gayle, Oprah became overwhelmed by emotion, breaking down in tears.
"She is the mother I never had. She is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don't know a better person. I don't know a better person," Oprah said.
The talk-show queen continued: "It's making me cry because I'm thinking about…how much…I probably have never told her that. Tissue please. I now need tissue. I've never told her that."
The weepy display triggered a national firestorm, with some questioning Oprah's sincerity.
"Why be so emotional? There seems to be a lot more to their relationship than Oprah admitted," said the family member. "Now everyone wonders what's really going on between them."
The two women met in 1976 when Oprah was hired as a news anchor at WJZ-TV in Baltimore, Md. Gayle was a production assistant there and the two hit it off.
While their careers took separate paths, they remained close.
"In the late '70s, Oprah and Gayle would call each other long-distance and watch the nighttime soap Dallas together. They still laugh about that," continued the family member.
"Back then their relationship was like every other best friend situation, but after Gayle's husband left her, their friendship changed.
"It's as if they became the same person. Their love remains unconditional."
At this point they seriously need to let it go! Who gives a flying fuck if she is or if she isn't. Oprah is filthy rich and I'm sure she could care less about what anyone thinks of her.
I believe they have a serious love relationship. Whether it is sexual, we may never know. Or should we even care? Oprah went on television and said she wasn't a lesbian. If she was lying, we should care. She has gay friends and seems to love gay people. Why lie?
Co-sign with 11:32; who cares and why should we??? And anyway, WHY take the word of the National Enquirer?
you have to take everything with a grain of salt but don't discount the national enquirer. they have absolutely NO scruples. they do whatever they can to get to the bottom of a story.
Oprah gay? Really? I couldn't care less if she was gay or not. Can someone please tell me what the big deal is? Isn't that her business? So why are people speculating and spreading propaganda. OT: Gsyle looks great for 56. I thought she was younger than Oprah.
Who cares if this F150 and her mule face side kick are gay?
why is every rich and powerful mogul in hollywood gay or bisexual? it seems to be a whole new world mentally. someone please explain. lol
Oprah has something in Gayle that few of us find....a true friend. Someone she can TRUST with everything and not have to worry. I think that we see that so rarely that we can't believe that this still exists. TRUE friends can do this and have nothing sexual. I have a friend like that that I can share anything with and she will tell me the TRUTH, not just what I want to hear. People think we are gay although we are both married. It took a while for my husband to understand it. I cried when she said what she said about Gayle because I feel the same way about my friend, I could feel where she was coming from.
well can you blame Oprah? Gayle got a big ole booty
Puhleeze! if Oprah doesn't sue the enquirer over this, than it's true. Most of us already know it's true. Does it matter? maybe. Her fan base are mostly white housewives over 30. Conservative w/a christian upbringing. No matter what anyone says, her coming out the closet would cost her a lot. If it wasn't so, she would have come out long ago. She has enough money to retire completely, but she is a narcissist and wants to be worshipped. The enquirer has broken a lot of news worthy stories and been the first on the scene. Carol Burnett winning her lawsuit against them many yrs ago, was what gave them a bad name. And they didn't lie on her, but she won her case b/c the courts wanted to make an example out of the tabloids NOT to exploit celebrities. Many of you may be too young to remember that.
"Back then their relationship was like every other best friend situation, but after Gayle's husband left her, their friendship changed."
I believe this.
I believe that they were the best of friends & nothing more BEFORE Gayle's husband left her over Oprah issues. THAT was a dead giveaway that something more than genuine friendship was going on between those two. NO friendship should come before your spouse - who is *really* suppose to be your best friend in the entire world!
Amazes me that people still laugh at the National Enquirer - when they've broken MANY stories in the past that later on were proven to be true...
"No matter what anyone says, her coming out the closet would cost her a lot. If it wasn't so, she would have come out long ago."
I agree.
It would cost Oprah alot to come out. Even though she's a billionaire. Half of the battle is gaining the wealth. The other half is MAINTAINING the wealth once you get it.
JMO: A great deal of Oprah's money is probably tied up in her many business ventures - including her new OWN network. She would stand to lose alot of those businesses & MANY advertising dollars alone if she were to come out of the closet. Not to mention losing alot of residuals. Won't even get into the human aspect of it....
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