Two years ago Areosmith front man Steven Tyler fell off the stage and broke his shoulder. Now we know it was because he was snorting the sleep aid Lunesta.
Steven Tyler admitted on Monday night that it was drug abuse that led him to fall off the stage and break his shoulder at an Aerosmith concert. “It’s not any news here about my drug use and addictions in the past,” he told David Letterman on ‘The Late Show.’ “A couple years ago, I was [snorting] Lunesta because of some problems with my feet.” “That shows you what kind of a drug addict I was, only the finest for me… I was looking for any excuse to get high.” Tyler fell off the stage in a 2009 concert in South Dakota , breaking his shoulder and requiring stitches in his head. It led to tour date cancellations. Aerosmith had a number of on-stage incidents in 2010, including a seeming fight with guitarist Joe Perry . Tyler also admitted that he did a ton of drugs in his past — “It’s not any news here about my drug use and addictions in the past,” — and did expensive cocaine in the 1970′s and 80′s. In June, the singer opened up about his addiction , band breakup and new sobriety. He also spoke about his decision to become a judge on ‘American Idol’: “I figured, what the heck, I’ll give it a chance… and plus, I get to sit next to J.Lo.”Jacked from AreosmithLife
What the FRUDCK is wrong with this nikka's face!?!!?!
When I heard Lunesta I don't know why I thought about Iced Tea. I must have been thinking of Luzianne.
He looks like hot shit and that's WITH plastic surgery. His ass is too damn old to still be getting fucked up like that. At his age, if he can't stay off that crap he never will.
Man, he looks like that hippie muppet! FO REAL!!
Why does he look like an old woman? He just needs to hide and never come out...ever. This cannot be accomplished by being on AI.
Old white guy with a lace front wig!!!!
I wonder if he and Michael Jackson had the same hairdresser???
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