Thursday, January 20, 2011

Todd Palin Sex Scandal

Todd Palin is accused of cheating on wife Sarah Palin with a massage therapist who was busted in a prostitution ring!
SARAH PALIN's husband TODD is caught up in a sleazy sex scandal, The ENQUIRER has learned!

Political bloggers are digging into incredible claims that the "First Dude" - father of the couple's five children - cheated on his wife with a female massage therapist who was busted for prostitution!

The scandal not only has the potential to sabotage Palin's possible 2012 White House bid, but also threatens to destroy her marriage, sources say.

While the story heats up on the internet, The ENQUIRER has uncovered official documents confirming the woman's arrest, and learned police have confiscated physical evidence that could tie Todd to an alleged extramarital affair.

We have also uncovered documents that show the woman - identified by bloggers as Shailey Tripp - contributed free massages to an anonymous person working for Sarah's campaign for governor of Alaska.

While representatives for Todd Palin vehemently deny he cheated on his wife, allegations of his extramarital affair surfaced on Jan. 4 when an anonymous tipster sent out messages to news outlets making the allegation using the e-mail address

"My sources reveal that a massage therapist and computer technologist, SHAILEY TRIPP, had an affair with Todd Palin that lead (sic) to her arrest March of 2010," claimed the anonymous e-mail.

"According to the tenants in the building of her offices, they saw Todd come and go often and heard noises that sounded like someone was having sex. It was the same tenants who called the police on her."

An ENQUIRER investigation has confirmed Tripp, 36, was arrested on March 4, 2010 in Anchorage and charged with maintaining a house of prostitution.

Tripp pleaded no contest on June 13, 2010 with sentencing set for June 15, 2011. She agreed to complete 80 hours of volunteer service, not post advertisements on CraigsList and pay a fine of $500. If she meets with these conditions, Tripp can withdraw her plea at the sentencing hearing and the case will be dismissed, records show.
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

Her chances of being president were already "sabotaged" from the day she publicly opened her mouth.

Anonymous said...

This is the slowest broad ever. She stays in other people's busoness, but never has a clue as to what goes on in her own household. Where is her baby? I'm sure she doesn't know.

Anonymous said...

She's so not into her family, I would have to cheat too. Instead of having delusional presidential dreams, she should wake up and take care of her family.

Anonymous said...

And all this time I thought he was fucking Bristol and making little down syndrome incest babies.

Anonymous said...

FOR REAL.....This women needs to stop and evaluate her home life. She would never be a President, she just has too many damn issues at home.

This is a hugh sign that maybe you should let go of this fantasy of becoming a President and stay on top of your girls and be a wife to your husband.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! You betcha! *wink*

Anonymous said...

Skank Ho. You and your inbread family need to go back to Alaska, dirty bitch.

Anonymous said...

Sara PAYlin fuqed her husband's business partner. That's why his business went under. Sara is a loudmouth stupid ho. The nasty ass skank will never me president of anything but the stupid tea boogers.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised. That's all.

Anonymous said...

^^^STR8 DEAD @ Nubian Goddez...girl you bring the pain back into BAAWWWWAHHHHH...LMAO!!--ThatBKChick

Frost Byte said...

Sarah Palin Will never Be President Of The United States. Her Family, Credibility, And Respect Has All Been Blown To Pieces. After The Giffords Shooting People Will ALWAYS Believe that her big fat mouth had something to do with it. she will fade to black and not be heard from again. this story is of no surprise. if she wants to get back into the graces of the elite agenda. expect her to make a blood sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

^^Ever since the shooting this coward has gone into hiding. She releases this tired video of which she is spewing her nonsense trying to enunciate big words. Nut cases like the one who shot Mrs Gifford listen to people like Sarah. She is ignorant and feeds into ignorance each time she opens that hole in her face. Inbred hillbilly describes her perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised since he's been has had his masculinity robbed by that idiot wife of his, which doesn't say much for him. So I hope it's true, so he can get out while he can, lol.

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