Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Natalie Nunn Blasts Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa

Bad Girl Natalie Nunn explains her beef with Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose. Says she and Amber used to be cool.
Natalie Nunn tells Vibe

I’m just gonna be honest. Wiz did definitely stress that he wanted a girlfriend, someone to be enjoy his moments with. It would've been great [to be that girl] because Wiz was a fun guy to hang out with, but at the end of the day, I have my calendar. When I was taking time out to hang with Wiz, I was taking time away from a) my rest and b) my money. Those two things right now are the most important things for me. I feel like Wiz needed a girl that doesn't have anything going on.

And that's not being sarcastic. Wiz wanted me to be somewhere with him every other day and with my work ethic, I couldn’t offer that to somebody. I'm happy that things happened the way it did [also] because it showed Wiz's true colors. As much as people want to sit here and say Natalie's the bad guy… Wiz knows [everything I said during my UStream] was the truth.

Did you find out about him and Amber the way all the rest of us did?

Yeah! That is how I really found out, but the day after he was shooting the Black and Yellow remix video he invited me to a party, but I was sick. I did not go. But somehow Amber Rose showed up to the party all in his face and they exchanged information. So the reason I went so hard at Amber is because on Thanksgiving, I hosted a party with her in Texas and we were talking, hanging out and we exchanged phone numbers. She had been nonstop text messaging me since November 25. All of a sudden when she was in Wiz's face and exchanging information with Wiz at that party, three weeks ago, I have not heard from her since!

Did you mention to her that you were dating Wiz?

I didn’t have to. Everybody already knew. There were pictures all over the Internet. At the end of the day, it’s all good. She’s twitpic’n pictures with Wiz and his mom. I have pictures with Wiz and his mom backstage too, but I’m not gonna entertain that. I can entertain a million other things because I have a voice and an outlet where in x amount of days I’ll be back on TV. Some of these bum bitches just ain’t doing shit except jumping on planes and chasing after niggas that got stuff going for themselves. I could not do that for Wiz. I respect him as a person, but Wiz is young. He’s a baby in a lot of ways.

I was going to ask how seriously you took him.

There were a lot of things that honestly just weren’t gonna work for me in the first place. I can’t sit up here all day smoking weed, like I can’t. But the main thing was I could not stop what I have going on for nobody right now.

You looked hella upset during that UStream.

She sat up there text messaging me and I have all the text messages. All of her conversations, all of her trying to be, "Let's go workout together; let's train."

Then all of a sudden you don't want to be woman enough to get on the phone and talk to me about the situation. Yeah, I got a problem with you, straight up. Amber needed to be a grown ass woman ‘cause we all know the bitch is like 35 years old.

She’s been in the game for a cool minute. She’s damn near pushing a whole decade of Wiz and I.

Did any one of them reach out to you after the fact?

I don’t like to attack the female first. I ain’t with that petty stuff ‘cause real talk I’ll just go at peoples’ necks. It could be ugly. I don’t care!

Physically ugly?

Nah, I don’t need to fight her. She’s a bop! She’s boppin’ right now. And if you don’t know the definition of a bop, it’s a hoe. Because at the end of the day, you know that I was laid up, kickin it with Wiz for well over month. For two months I had taken time out to hang out and get to know him. Just because we were hanging out doesn’t mean somebody’s fucking. No.

Were you waiting to take it to that level?

No, I was just chillin. I wanted to see what kind of person he was.

Do you think maybe he played you because you didn’t wanna have sex?

It wasn’t like that. Let me not make it seem like Wiz is a bad guy. Wiz is a sweet guy and that’s why all of it caught me off guard. I hit him on the BBM like ‘Oh, your pictures on Media Takeout are real fuckin’ cute. You’re kickin’ it with Amber now?

What about if Amber hit you up right after this interview, would you hear her side?

I have no respect for her as a woman. And I don’t care if people love Amber Rose. [She] knew and [she is] a bop.

Are you and Wiz friends now?

I mean, I’ve deleted him off my BBM when I saw the picture the very first time I saw the pictures on Media Takeout. I hit him up on BBM and I was like, ‘That shit was fuckin’ trifling and you need to get the fuck off my BBM and I’m blocking you on Twitter.’ ‘Cause he was following me on Twitter first and I followed him back.

That’s how it really all happened. I kid you not, the minute I hit follow, 20 minutes later I had a direct message from him.

And that was the last convo with him?

That was the last convo with him and right before I went in on that, there was a message. It was, ‘I miss you, boo. I miss you, babe. I love your face. When am I gonna see you?’ Tryna be slick. That shit aint’ gonna work over here with a real bad girl. I don’t know what Amber claims she is. ‘She’s from Philly, she don’t play.’ Oh whateve! Amber ain’t gon’ say shit because hoes don’t talk.


[Hoes] are trained to not talk, so she is just gonna sit there and not say a damn thing.

Well if you need someone to replace Wiz, you might as well holla at Tyga. They’re basically twins.

[Laughs] I hosted a party with Tyga in North Carolina. He’s a nice guy. I think he has a girlfriend. But I will say I am dating. Wiz was not the only guy I was going out on dates with.

Wait did Wiz know you were dating other people?

No. When I said I wasn’t going to go to Atlantic City to hang out with him on New Year’s Eve where he was performing, it was because I was going to Indianapolis to hang out with my other friend. But he didn’t need to know. In his eyes, we weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, but we were seeing each other. But hey, just like Wiz was doing, I had to keep my options open to.

So are you done with industry guys then?

I’ve never really been an industry girl. I’m more attracted to guys who have big muscles and can man handle a situation.

I’m scared to see what the hell Shaq is doing in your book!
Jacked from Vibe


Anonymous said...

Natalie sounds young, dumb and full of cum! "he followed me on twitter"
"i deleted him from my bbm"
LOL Grow up!!!

Anonymous said...




bricksquad monopoly-trapstar said...

i respect natalie.... for this.. she is sooo right. bad bish have things going 4 them... not smoking all day waiting 4 a sponsor....amber wants a meal ticket..she thirsty.. by @uberfabmakeup

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna pretend like i care...but i will not read this crap, i already lost 27minutes of my life watching that ghetto ass all about nothing video she posted.

Anonymous said...

Natalie sweetie you are a Bop too and your doing the same damn thing Amber is doing. Shit Amber proably get's paid more Hell she looks better than you. Don't Flatter yourself honey your in the same boat as the rest of the Bops.Oh and by the way real bitches move in silence ( all you do wolf alot of shit) ain't nobody checking for you.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:55 Am: Crimson Chin looking hoe, that is terrible. LMFAO!!!!! Did you reference the movie holes with that X-ray comment? I'm laughing so hard.

Anyway, Natalie went in on Amber pretty hard. I gotta say she can talk shit if she has to. However, I really don't respect her or Amber at all.

Hit or Miss said...

I was not going to read all that mes. Anyways AIDS doesn't care who it puts up shop in. They need to stop Fing this dude. He's another Lil Wayne being high 24/7 and not knowing who he F's. After while babies will start poping up every where.

@1055 I had to think for a minute who is the Crimson Chin and then it came to mind (Farily Oddparents) and now I've laughed so hard I have tears in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

All of theses tricks are thirsty. Honestly, if the "Chin" wasn't f-ing or going out with Wiz, why is this interview even relevant or would she care if Amber is having her sloppy seconds? I tell you why, because Natalie is an actual BOP herself. Real bad bishes walk in silence and sit back and play their position. Now, be it may that I cannot stand Amber or Natalie the "Chin", they are both
"silly ho*s" and stanks and will be remembered for being jump-offs/cum repositories PERIOD!--ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

@ 10:53

lol.. social media is the society we live in. if a person deletes off twitter and bbm, it is what it is. nothing immature about that. but the whole he didnt know i was dating someone else but im mad he moved on, IS trifling though lol

Anonymous said...

Two stankin ass STD infested hoes fighting over a HIV infested fool. NICE.

Anonymous said...

....i was with her at first, but after she started obviously trying to make Wiz jealous she lost me.

i can respect any chick trying to make it on her own, big ups for that...but a bop knows another bop!

Anonymous said...

Um...Who is Natalie Nunn? Can someone post? Don't feel like googling. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Quagmyer, quit complaining, he had a girl, you thought you stole him, now the same way you got him he got you. She is feeling a type of way because a more attractive woman basically booked her man from right underneath her. Super chin, get you game up. Maybe the chin is getting in the way of him being able to come on your lips. He keeps missing. Men like to pull out and go straight for the lips probably keeps knocking his tip into your chin as you smile and look up at him. Ghetto Gagger. Go about your business since you have sooooooo much of it to attend to.

Anonymous said...

Amber looks way better than Natalie so I can see why Wiz ant checking for her now. However, if Wiz thinks he has a "REAL WOMEN" on his arm think again. She goes from the next to the next but he gets a pass because he's young and stupid he don't know better. The weed ant helping either.

I still can't fingure out why famous black men want to be out in public with women that have been passed around among their peers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

natalie nunn?? i really didnt know she existed until today! and then this is the first impression i get...stupid bitch!

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