Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charlie Sheen's Father Calls Charlie an Emotional Cripple

Martin Sheen says Charlie Sheen suffers from arrested development.
Charlie Sheen is not going to be happy about this! His father, Martin Sheen, is speaking out about the Two and A Half Men star's public meltdown.

"You know, Charlie's 45-years-old," Martin tells the U.K's Telegraph magazine. "He’s not a kid. Emotionally, he still is. Because when you’re addicted, you don’t grow emotionally. So when you get clean and sober, you’re starting at the moment you started using drugs or alcohol — you’re emotionally crippled."

Martin, who has had his own substance abuse issues in the past, can relate to Charlie's situation. "I know what hell he's living in. I've had psychotic episodes in public. One of them was on camera – the opening scene of Apocalypse Now. ... I know what Charlie is going through. And when you do something like that, that is out of control, that's the most difficult thing. You have to have courage."

He adds, "Faith can help all of us. Addiction is the dark side. It's a reflection of despair. And it's fed by all the other negativity."
Jacked from Star


Anonymous said...

Charlie, you heard that? Yo pops spittin that truth.

GritsOnMyToast said...


Baby please, it sounds like "you" are the one who needs to sit down and STFU with that dumbass comment. Oh, you sound just like one of those ill prepared, non-responsibility having, blame all my problems on my Daddy/Momma kinda of people.

Sorry my NubianG... time to stand up, grow up and lay the blame on on one but yourself when you hit the wall. Charlie hit the wall baby girl and his daddy ain't had shit to do with it.

Hollyweird has a way of pulling you in... it does it real abruptly but numbs you with the all mighty dollar bill. IF you're big in Hollywood, shit falls in your lap... like candy falling from the sky, ya heard? If that was happening to you or just about any other person out there, everyone would be damn near in heaven. Too much of anything can be bad... too much money, fame, pu@@y, crack... it's bad.

Yeah, daddy had his problems when he was a young buck... but he's on the right track... and so should his kids.

Anonymous said...

@GrtisOnMyToast - Preach! Preach! Nubian Goddez probably doesn't have any kids or if she does they are still young.

#winning# on u hoes said...

the funniest shit of the year ....... #hands down

Anonymous said...

It would be so easy to blame his father for this bullshit he's doing, BUT his brother Emilio Estevez doesn't have his fucked up problems. Charlie is his own worst enemy and did this to himself. Plus he won't listen to anybody. A reporter asked him if his dad and brother have tried to talk to him and he replied "Yes they did, but I told them I AM AN ADULT and not a child." So there ya go. His brain is melting by the minute.

Anonymous said...

Like father like son---Preach Nubain G.--ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

NubianGoddess, that is some whack logic.

Anonymous said...

And ThatBKChick is co-sign - SMH

Anonymous said...

Can't comment on pops drug use b/c I wasn't aware of it. But I DO know that his family DID stage an intervention (during the Heidi Fleiss hooker scandal)--his dad even asked the judge to throw the book at him. He did rehab & was clean for quite sometime.

jennie said...

You guys no nothing drugs fuck everything up your mind your family jobs there is nothing that isnt touched and it sucks trying to fix all of it and it will take time

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