Suri Cruise photographed holding a box of Gummy Penis candy.
Adorable 4-year-old birth daughter Suri Cruise grabbed some fruity flavored provocative X-rated gummie treats in NYC on Tuesday.
They grow up so fast these days.Jacked from TMZ
Adorable 4-year-old birth daughter Suri Cruise grabbed some fruity flavored provocative X-rated gummie treats in NYC on Tuesday.
They grow up so fast these days.Jacked from TMZ
penis gummies - come on now everybody knows it's at the top of the scientology food pyramid... ha ha ha
Katie's expression is priceless
Katie does not seem like the best mother because she does not teach Suri and discipline or boundaries. Why is a 5 year old photo with a pacifier in her mouth or high heels? They are going to pay for the choices that they are making now with there daughter and I am sure Tom will be long gone by then.
some famous people need their kids taken away from them, where is child protective services to protect the famous kids and take them away from there stupid parents.
Who gives a fuck it was a joke for people in the media who will make a big deal about it.
You sound like the freak of the week that is always running to drama because there is not a good mother in the world that would see this as a joke on hoodrats.
if you never believed in all the crazy shit that goes on in hollyweird like child pornography and incest then this should wake you up.
LMAO @ "freak of the week"!! I haven't heard that phrase in years.
well at least her and her father have similar tastes
LMAO @ 3:49
aww just like her daddy
this is a relfection of katie being starved of penis.
I can't wait to see this girl in 10 years!
Can someone translate 1:42 for me?
And shit it was a joke since Suri can't read!
"Can someone translate 1:42 for me?"
TRANSLATION: what the hell is wrong with you? how can you see this as a joke? that little girl is too young to be eating some "penis" candy you dumbass. not even a hoodrat mother would let her child partake in such an act:
...that should help you understand what 1:42 meant.
I am sorry you wasted your time translating that for me. I think I liked it better when it was indecipherable, too many biases. (JTFWU) What do hoodrats have to do with Suri eating candied penis? You did notice they are candy-- who cares what shape it is. Would it be better if they were shaped like people (disney characters, flinstones etc) I mean is there a scale: is eating a candied penis better or worse than eating candied people? No little kid would care one way or another as long as it had lots of sugar!
ok. give your child or nephew or niece,or little cousing,or young sibling a penis candy, throw in some vagina puff chease balls chips too, maybe some now and later's shaped into a tit, maybe give them cartoon porn to watch while your at it. do whatever you want. as long as it ain't my child or anybody else with sense, child. nobody cares.
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