Friday, April 8, 2011

Ashley Judd Calls Hip Hop Out on 'Rape Culture'

Actress Ashley Judd is no fan of Hip Hop, blaming it for the downfall of today's youth in her new memoir.
One thing's for sure -- Ashley Judd wont be turning up in a Snoop Dogg or P Diddy video anytime soon.

The Kiss The Girls actress ripped into the two performers, as well as the world of hip hop "with it's rape culture and insanely abusive lyrics and depictions of girls and women as 'ho's'" in her shocking new memoir All That Is Bitter And Sweet - and can bring you all her no holds barred comments.

Talking about her work in AIDS awareness, Judd makes her opinion crystal clear when it comes to the activist organization YouthAIDS choice in spokespeople for a past campaign, singling out Snoop and Diddy.

"YouthAIDS created hip public service announcements for TV and radio using popular local and international celebrities and athletes and was participating in the MTV World AIDS Day 'Staying Alive' concerts," she writes.

"Along with other performers, YouthAIDS was supported by rap and hip-hop artists like Snoop Dogg and P. Diddy to spread the, who? Those names were a red flag.

"As far as I'm concerned, most rap and hip-hop music -- with it's rape culture and insanely abusive lyrics and depictions of girls and women as 'ho's' -- is the contemporary soundtrack of misogyny.

"I believe that the social construction of gender -- the cultural beliefs and practices that divide the sexes and institutionalize and normalize the unequal treatment of girls and women, privilege the interests of boys and men, and, most nefariously, incessantly sexualize girls and women -- is the root cause of poverty and suffering around the world."

As previously reported Judd is laying it all bare in her new book - detailing her childhood years filled with lies, pain and sexual abuse.

"My mother, while she was transforming herself into the country legend Naomi Judd, created an origin myth for the Judds that did not match my reality," Ashley shares.

"She and my sister [Wynonna] have been quoted as saying that our family put the 'fun' in dysfunction. I wondered: 'Who, exactly, was having all the fun? What was I missing?'"
Jacked from Radar Online


Anonymous said...

SHUT THE FUCK UP. Sick and tired of whiny ass white women promoting books and trying to create a hot button topic. No one cares about you and your trashy ass family anymore. Funny that this book is coming out around the same time her mother and sister are going back on tour. Great way to get free publicity. What is it with them feeling that they (white folks) have a open invitation to have an opinion on everything in the black community?

ThatBkChick said...


Anonymous said...

Well damn 5:02! What's the problem?? She has a very good point. Hip Hop is nowhere near what it used to be and it IS degrading to women. There is clearly a problem. Why is it so bad that a white person is saying it? Sweep it under your mental "rug" all you want, but the issue remains. If you don't want to be a part of the solution, fine. At least don't be a part of the problem. Jus sayin...

Anonymous said...

Didn't she do a movie where she played a lady who would go out and get drunk and wake up in a strange bed not knowing if she got raped and this wasn't a PSA type movie. Rap is entertainment just like movies are entertainment.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of white women being victims. Theres other races of women on this planet..I'm tired of white women, wish they would disappear off the face of the earth.

Every morning on gma, today show, early show missing white women, sick of yall missing asses.

Anonymous said...

Its a white womans destiny to grow up and write a book about being raped. or just say they were raped.

Anonymous said...

Soo we're not just going to blame Hip Hop. What? No actors and actresses who portray messy lifestyles that are made to seem great. Can we talk parenting because last I heard white teen and young adults are the majority of consumers of hip hop. Hip hop is indeed a contributor but it is not the only or the oldest so AJ can take a hike unless she really wants to address the issue properly.

Anonymous said...

Well, hip-hop is fucked up for the most part,that's all I'm going to say. The rest, I can't comment or speculate.

Anonymous said...

I gotta cosign with the Judd girl. Hip hop is misogyny and it is nothing but homo-thugs. We need to demand more of hip hop and get it to where it was.

Anonymous said...

I second her opinion. Hip hop is just like it sound...those thugs are hippin and hoppin on one another like dogs!!!!

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

She does have a point but her motivation for making the point is what is suspect. How come we didn't hear about her disapproval of those guys THEN when the shit originally happened? One could assume we didn't hear about it because it was not beneficial for her. Just sayin (which is some highly annoying shit)

Anonymous said...

Go listen to some damn white music then, peckerwoods always all up in black artists shit, nobody is forcing yall to listen to the music.

Anonymous said...

Is rape the only thing that goes on in white households? cause white men can't keep their hand off of the little girls.

Anonymous said...

Hip Hop didn't rape her, her mothers boyfriend did.

Anonymous said...

Rap isn't the problem retards who can't realize that it's a fantacy are the problem. Negros want to have what they see in the videos without having the $$ or skill to get it.

Anonymous said...

HIP HOP. I will ask someone to define what that means when they wanna make a stance on something in a book about a life not many people are concerned with.

Hip Hop has sub categories. The hip hop I listen to majority of the time isn't mainstream so I don't have problem with what she is complaining. It seems she isn't familiar with HIP HOP. But she is familiar with the industry.

That's like saying all country music is about a drunk guy getting left by his woman.

GTFOH! Why doesn't she attack record labels that take rappers who want to make good everyday music and have em slap their bitch or rap about their crack momma!?! Because that's what happens when regular kids who make good music independently go sit down with the mainstream record labels..

Anonymous said...

She has the nerve to condemn hip hop, her family was so screwed, Her mother and sister left her, traveled all over the world acting like two incestuous, bulldaggers back in the 80's. there is no way in hell that Naomi and wynonna weren't fucking each other.

Never seen a mother and daughter act like them before. blame them for your fucked up life Ashley.

Anonymous said...

And country music isn't bad? All they sing about is getting drunk and their husbands or wives cheating on them! GTFOH!

Anonymous said...

This bitch prolly has "rape roleplay" fantasies about taking a big black dick like mine, bet she gets dripping wet just thinking bout it!

Anonymous said...

Black Chics are so!!!!!!!!!!!UUUGGG! These MOFOS stand in front of the world and spit in your faces EVERYDAY and you all defend them.You all make me sick!You all are nothing but enablers and they for damn sure wouldnt defend you all! You all are just stupid!Yeah I said it! Alot of Black women are stupid cowards and Ms.Judd is 1000% right!

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