Monday, May 16, 2011

Carey Cannon Twins Born to the Sound of Mom's Music

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon played songs from Mariah's Fantasy album while their twins were being born.

Oh, that kooky MARIAH CAREY! File this one under hilarious celebrity gossip. Word from husband NICK CANNON is that wife Mariah insisted that her babies be born to her music. And not just any of her songs, but a hand-picked live performance of a few tunes from her Fantasy album.
You just can’t make this stuff up. Says Cannon:

“Now my wife wanted to make sure that when the babies came out, that they came out not only to a Mariah Carey song, but a live performance from Mariah Carey — her Madison Square performance of ‘Fantasy’ — so they came out to a round of applause.”

Is this just a precursor of the ridiculousness that is to come? I just can’t wait for the millions of wacky things she’ll do with those children. God bless.
Jacked from Anything Hollywood 


Anonymous said...

ENOUGH ALREADY, I'm sick of Mariah and Nick, and DEM babies.

Nick Cannon need to grow some balls.


Anonymous said...

ya'll are some haters! i'm happy for them! and if you don't want to hear about dem babies, stop clicking on the articles! duh!

Anonymous said...

I wanna see a picture of Dem babies.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Carey cannon but this is a bit over the top. Those children will eventually hate sound their mothers voice

Anonymous said...

they may hate the sound of her voice when they're teens, but right now as infants, the sound of their mother and father's voices are very comforting to them, so it makes sense that they were born to their mother's music being the first sound they heard.

Anonymous said...

more cheese on my bread please! they are soooooooooooooo corny!

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