Friday, May 27, 2011

Choreographer Explains Beyonce's Billboard Performance

The choreographer for Beyonce's performance at the Billboard Music Awards talks about the difficult interactive screen sequence and his amazement at Beyonce's ability to pull it off without the aid of a reference screen.

In just one month, Kenzo, Beyoncé, creative studio Breathe (the geniuses behind the graphics at Roger Waters' amazing The Wall live shows), and animation team Dirt Empire conceptualized and executed the Billboard Awards "Girls" performance. "Beyoncé has such an incredible work ethic and vision, and you really couldn't ask for a better collaborator in terms of the performing side of things as well.

She killed it," Digital says. "When I saw that thing come out live, I was absolutely and completely blown away. As many times as she had rehearsed, as many times as she mocked it up just in the video room to get a reference of where we're at with the animation, to see that come together with her and her 100 percent energy and all the pyro effects, it was insane."

Perhaps most impressive, Beyoncé did the entire performance without the help of a reference screen, like the ones a weatherman uses to pinpoint where it's raining. "She is an absolute monster, she nailed all of her walks -- she just knows it," Kenzo says. "Her muscle memory, her performance, she doesn't need guides. She just needs to practice it a couple times and it's done. There was no visual guide. Her eye line was straight into the crowd, engaging the crowd. That's just her amazing abilities as a performer."

Kenzo admits that Beyoncé's team was initially inspired by a similar performance by Italian singer Lorella Cuccarini. "[The Cuccarini artists] are awesome and do incredible work as well, but there are a lot of different inspirations for where our piece came from," he said. "That's the thing, it's very simplistic. If anything, it's a great example of how great of a performer Beyoncé is.

It's just a bare white screen. It's a technique in video art since the '80s in terms of frontal projection and interactive things. That's really nothing new. It's not even a new technology. It's just an incredibly simple, awesome storytelling device, and with a performer like Beyoncé it becomes incredibly powerful."

Jacked from Yahoo News 


Anonymous said...

in other words, blah, blah, blah, mutha-freaking blah

...and a yawn.

Anonymous said...

Man, shut the fuck up with this bullshit. You really expect people to buy into this bullshit. It's like you guys want to force us into thinking this bitch is the best thing to happen to the music industry. You and beyonce can kiss my black ass because this bitch will never be considered one of the greatest. That italian singer who did it did a great job too. Her muscle memories were amazing dumbass. Are you fucking kidding us. Beyonce took a work a recycled it. It's very easy to copy someone. So please shut the fuck up. You're making her look even more stupid than she already is. Not even Michael Jackson didnt get this much attention and he was 10000000 times bigger than this bitch. ugh. they make me sick

The Truth said...

Are people still on this crap
Okay she shook her ass in front of a powerpoint presentation, emulating MJ, JJ, Shakira and Tina Turner

Girl is still is a flop her camp need to deal with it, the public don't care no more

You Mad? Stay Mad! said...

My Girl killed it! Get em Bey!

Anonymous said...

Cosign 10:40!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, they are on overkill with damage control, aren't they. Get over it. Beystealin was busted yet again and now mainstream media is seeing the fraud for what she is....a fraud. She and her team are just embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Man. @ 10:40.

It must hurt to know that you'll NEVER be as famous as Beyonce. It must hurt that you'll NEVER have as much money than she has. It must hurt that you will just die and NO ONE will remember your legacy because you will have left NOTHING for this world to remember.

But, go ahead--let your anger and jealousy out anonymously...It helps to relieve the frustration of being worthless. Because when you DO pass on to the next life, you will still be..ANONYMOUS. And she will die as a legend.

Anonymous said...

9:23 self check. Only to you is Beysafraud a legend. Stop hating. People are entitled to their opinions and not everyone is stan who thinks the world revolves around this theif's crotch.

Anonymous said...

Stans are sooooo stupid.

Anonymous said...

Stans are so predictable as well. Why is that anyone who has an opinion about Beystealin that is not praise and worship then that person has to be jealous? Who would envy a p poppin illiterate who OBVIOUSLY has no creativity whatsoever and who is basically a functioning illiterate? SMH. They are indeed on overdrive with this damage control thing. Carrying on about how she went about the performace and all. LOL!! Look, it was a performance based on her being INSPIRED once again by someone else. She stole it in other words and cannot deal with the backlash she is now receiving. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see something original. They think because she did it on the award show it's new. Her fans are delusional period! I'm quite sure if she told them to jump off a bridge they would do it.

To call her a legend is ridiculous. Legends give credit. Michael did it constantly. The Video art was done by Michael Jackson, Mary J Blige and the ball was done by Janet Jackson.

The music industry is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Instantly thought of MJ when I saw the multiples and Feeback by Miss Jackson came to mind as well. Mary J did it in the video "I'm going down". So, no....this was not something innovative by beysafraud. Her stans thinks because "she did it better" than the Italian singer that should excuse her from stealing the concept. I said before that she and her team search YT in search for 'inspiration' and will 'borrow' the ideas/concepts from someone they feel is not known in the hope of using their ideas as her own and taking full credit. She went to some out of the way bargain shop somewhere and was "inspired" by a designer in Iceland and used his design for a pair of leggings. Her use of the word inspiration is excessive and, of course, a cover up. Some of these artists, etc will be 'inspired' to sue her more if she continues.

Just give credit where credit is due.

Anonymous said...

its the same thing real actors do; yet they don't take credit for sh!t they don't write or produce. i'm tired of her world justifying her malice with how she's a consummate performer; she's a consummate clepto & a liar. this will be a part of the consciousness in the memory she leaves behind. she gets no credit; bitch wants fame (its man-made; it's given and can be taken.)

Anonymous said...

Just because she shook her butt and tossed her lacefront doesn't mean 'her' performance was better than the Italian singer. She just brought on 124563278 dancers ala Single Ladies to dance to the choreography of TofuTofu, someone else she was 'inspired' by.

Beystealin's ENTIRE career is based on inspiration from others.

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...

I have not liked Beystoleyolook, the same since she snatched k'elis wig..... remember the bathing suit from #bossy....

nba is fixed said...

I don't care what anybody says, one of Beyonce's biggest mistakes was getting involved with Jay-Z. If Bey would have worked on making better music as well as acting I believe she could have been a legend like Barbara Streisand or Liz Taylor. She would have definitely been a bigger superstar than Halle Berry or Whitney Houston. Instead she chose to screw around with the devil's pawn. Bey's career should be gold instead it is bronze behind two people (Lady Gaga, Rihanna) who are not as good or good looking as her. Bey you slippin!

Anonymous said...

Legends dont copycat... they inspire and create art.......they need to Let this shyt go .. people over it..

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

@10:14 $ 5:11 PREACH MOFOS PREACH! I thought I was gonna have to go in, but you did it for me ....
The performance was lukewarm at best...and STOLEN ....HILARITY!

Anonymous said...


So in your little pee wee brain you believe everyone wants to be famous, and anyone who is not famous is worthless? Man you need help.

Get use to the fact that Beyonce is done and she will never be a legend. She sucks.

Anonymous said...

She is a legend in her own little mind and in the minds of her delusional stans. No matter how many awards she purchases or "wins", she is still a joke, and a fraud.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the media outlets really think that they can force people and lies to people to make them like and loves Beyonce. At the end of the day Beyonce should want more sincere fans then media drone Zombies with no concept of making real life decisions. Beyonce only wants to be a puppet master.

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