Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chris Brown and Rihanna's Secret Rendezvous

Rihanna risking it all to be with Chris Brown again.
Rihanna has reportedly secretly met up with her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown and is now hoping for to get back together even though he has a new girlfriend.

The 'Love The Way You Lie' singer, who recently faced a fan backlash after they discovered the star was following her ex on Twitter , has been speaking to Breezy via Skype and they've also exchanged messages. But she's worried about her career.

The couple broke up after their violent bust-up ahead of the Grammy awards in 2009. It was only recently that RiRi agreed to lifting the restraining order against him.

A source has told Now magazine: "Ri-Ri's always loved Chris - that never changed. They've texted and Skyped each other a lot recently and met up at a mutual friend's house in Los Angeles after the restraining order expired."

According to the magazine's sources, the pair have met in secret twice since the restraining order was lifted.

They also added: "RiRi wants to be with Chris but is worried about her career and fans. She's trying to find a way to take him back publicly without letting down her supporters, her management and her friends or setting a bad example."

The insider claims that Breezy wants to get back together, but he is still with his girlfriend Karrauche Tran, the source said: "Chris has said he'll be as patient as she needs him to be but after being slammed on Twitter for just following him, she's begun to worry that they may never get to be together in public."

Jacked from Tale Tela 


Anonymous said...

What a stupid ass girl you are Rihanna.

You have been setting a horrible example from day one.

I was never a fan but you always find a way to make me like you even less

Anonymous said...

If this is true:

I hope he beats her azz three times as hard this time.

This is why I don't stan for battered women.

Anonymous said...

I normally don't comment on what these young celebs do, but Breezy...SMH

Get as far away from her as possible. You are doing well now. "Deuces", "Look at me now" "She aint you", etc. Don't throw it all away. Move on, Chris.

Anonymous said...

This was all staged. Keep watching that soap opera folks.

Anonymous said...

if he never hits her again , then i dont see a problem , they been a part for years if they still want each other then it might be meant to be. one mistake shouldn't condemn both of them from true happiness.

Anonymous said...

The heart don't lie, but once an abuser always an abuser!!!!! I hate to say it, but he will do it AGAIN. If not physical, it will emotional, verbal or mental. I wish the youngins' the best, I pray this doesn't end tragically.

Anonymous said...

Despite what happened, you can't stop who you love. Anyway, Rih misses his big dick!

Anonymous said...

Dead @ 12:27.....A big dick will fuck a bitch up!!!!

Anonymous said...

It think it is very wrong for people to tell how to live her life. People do so much fked chit and get a pass but Rhianna is getting so much back last for something that is a very personal decision that really has nothing to do with no one and Chris had mad way more amends then most abusers so what is the problem. I mean the girl can fk everyone and there momma and that is fine but she can't go back to and old love? Just another reason why to never let people into your personal business.

They have had there time aways and hoepfully have learned some very valuable lesson at least she walked away to get come prospective and mayne what she learned is that she still loves him reguardless it happens all the time.

Toxic Rainbow said...

ummmm Jay Z is not about to let this happen. He done spent to much time investing in Rihanna to let her throw her career away. Unless Chris and get on Jigga's good side then he can kiss this pussy goodbye forever.

Anonymous said...

THIS IS A LIE, and if it were true so phucking WHAT!!

Chris has a girlfriend.

All you you judgemental no man having bitches, leave these two alone.


Anonymous said...

they are obviously still in love with each other, if they want each other let them be. people make all kinds of mistakes everyday, some as severe as murder, rape, etc.. he was a young kid who couldn't control his long as he never lays a finger on her or any woman, or verbally/mentally abuses her-as long as he's becoming a better person everyday, then that's all that matters. and the same goes for Rihanna.

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said... •♥•™®©•♦ well rihanna is grown..let her make her own mistakes

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...

poor 'karrueche.... this will devastate her....#worst nightmare

Anonymous said...

please RIRi wasnt beat...she staged it like most she tryin to cash out....if she does anything with him its not the abused womens syndrome she suffering from....its the
"get money" sickness she been had...she should rename herself Triflin...

shitorsugarreanimated said...

they both need therapy. they are reenacting the abuse they either experienced or witnessed as children and they will continue doing this crazy shit ("loving" crazy and dangerous people) until they get the help they need.

Anonymous said...

As soon as chris start getting his career back on track now he turns around and shoots himself in the foot! Obviously they bring the worst out of each other

Anonymous said...

yes rihanna and chris brown fans they will get back together, get engaged, and have babies together so just fucking deal with it. these two belong together and they are this generation's ike and tina turner. they were young and made dumb mistakes and yes rihanna always loved him and never stopped. her handlers made her go on a media blitz to destroy chris brown's career because yes jay z, her boss and part-time lover, has invested money into her and didn't want to lose out on any deals and endorsements. rihanna loves chris brown's mechanical pencil dick and he wants to sharpen it in her box. and @1:00pm keraSTANKcoochie is that you? might as well get a job buffing feet at the nail shop bitch! chris and rihanna are fucking as i type lol

Anonymous said...

I believe if he can take all the backlashing he took as a result of the fight they had, if she wants him back she should take whatever backlashing necessary to be together with him if that is what she truly wants. He career took a beating while her soared now he is back on top. Just keep making music and money the way you do and the hell with the public.

Anonymous said...

I believe if he can take all the backlashing he took as a result of the fight they had, if she wants him back she should take whatever backlashing necessary to be together with him if that is what she truly wants. His career took a beating while her's soared now he is back on top. Just keep making music and money the way you do and the hell with the public.

rihanna said...

She is absolutely crazy if she goes back with him, they were a cute couple but he beat the hell out of her.

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