Thursday, May 26, 2011

Connor Cruise's New Career

Tom Cruise's son Connor is working on a new career as a DJ.
Connor Cruise, the 16 year old son of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman is focusing on his career in the music business. Connor originally was thought to be following in his parents footsteps when he made his acting debut in the film Seven Pounds and more recently completed his second film, Red Dawn.

Instead Connor and his close friend Jake Isham have started their own Entertainment business named Cz Entertainment where they can show off their skills as Disc Jockeys. Connor is said to perform under the alias DJ C-Squared and according to a People magazine source, is quite the artist.
Jacked from The Inquisitr


Anonymous said...

that is tom real son he had by a black woman yrs ago

Anonymous said...

^^^^^3:37 please. Tom don't do women.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@3:37-I was thinking the same thing! Maybe Arnold should have talked with Tom to find out how to get the wife to raise the "outside" child!

There is NO WAY this kid is "adopted".

Anonymous said...

That nigga look just like Tom..

Anonymous said...

Tom DID NOT HAVE A KID BY A BLACK WOMEN, some of you don't get your damn facts straight before posting bullshiyt.

Conner is the ADOPTED SON of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise.


Anonymous said...

All we need are more DJ's and Rapper's.


Anonymous said...

Uh... 5:26 - that lil boy look just like Tom. We all know what the STORY is about him being adopted. Stop eating up all the "bullshiyt" (as you say) that you are fed by PR.

Anonymous said...

And it never crossed your tiny mind NubianGoddez that he may have adopted a family memeber's kid. Like I said before Tom don't do women.

Anonymous said...


He looks to much like Tom Cruise to be adopted, like I beleive that Usher is really Ben Vareen son,and Diana Ross (daught Rhonda Ross) that she denied was Berry daughter until the child was adult then she admitted that she was Barry daughter.

With that being said I do not put anything past these stars eventually the "TRUTH" will come out just ask Arnold

Anonymous said...

Tom had a huge crush on Halle Berry, loves the freaky Smiths(Will/Jada), even appeared on BET, used to love Oprah, Tom loves black people, or his black friends anyway, so i wouldn't be suprised if his "adopted" son was actually his. and Stevie Wonder will tell you that boy looks EXACTLY like Tom. add Brad Pitt to the list as well in terms of loving black women, he has at least two black ex-girlfriends that i know of.

Anonymous said...

Conner is ADOPTED, I bet some of you dumb asses think Michael Jackson dick made those 3 kids.


Test Tube Baby said...

That kid looks made to order.
Take one test tube, Tom's sperm some black woman's egg. Shake well. Wait 9 months.

Wag the Dog said...

Are you frickin kidding me? Use your eyes not your ears. That ain't nothing but a caramel dipped Tom Cruise. Some of you believe anything. Of course he was adopted. In this case it was clearly Tom paying a black surrogate to have his kid so he and Nicole Kidman could adopt it. Think about it. Why didn't he go with his Mom after the divorce? Because Tom is that's kid's real dad. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in Hollywierd knows that is his bio kid...Connor even has his father's mannerisms and smile.

Anonymous said...

he look just like that mafaka are u kiddn me i heard this years ago by a source that works at a firm that is his son yea he adopted him from the mother im sure

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