Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crazy Fan Tries to Kiss Alicia Keys

A middle aged man who wouldn't take no for an answer, desperately tried to kiss Alicia Keys on the lips at a charity gala.
Alicia Keys had to run for cover at the New Federal Theatre's 40th Reunion Gala Benefit at the Edison Ballroom Sunday night. An overzealous middle-aged male fan approached her during the intermission and tried to steal a kiss on the lips, but Keys bobbed and weaved out of the way, sources said. She made up for it by posing for photos with the fan. Keys was presented with an award by her mom, Terria Joseph, and an emotional Alicia noted it was the first time her mother had honored her at a gala. Also there: Danny Glover, Spike Lee, Terrie Williams and Ruby Dee.

Jacked from NY Post 


Anonymous said...

i bet he was white, white men think they can do anything and have any women

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...


Anonymous said...

Alicia be hypnotizing dudes and wrecking families

Anonymous said...

@ 3:37 Pm : Main reason we rule the world, in a sense. We see what we want and just take it. Don't like ,eh? Tough tits.Anyway, I would have tried my luck too if she wasn't already married.Alicia Keys is hot.

Anonymous said...

9:13 You dont rule shyt!! God does and all you arrogant Saltines will learn.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was trying to break up her happy home.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:00, Actually we do. I say God controls how things in world go, like fate, karma, and destiny. However, it was us white people who stuck our flag in the ground first and everyone else just followed behind us. That's why I said in a sense, babe. Also, I kinda feel like Lucifer controls the world a tad because the world stinks, could be a lot better if you ask me.
PS: It's funny that you called me a salty cracker, when you're the one getting all bitter. (Laughs mockingly at you)

Anonymous said...

@5:03 p.m.
If by "sticking your flag in the ground" you mean raping, pillaging, pilfering, lying, cheating and stealing. Then you are right you definitely in control of that. As far as the following behind you comment... YOU ARE WRONG. Following and being "FORCED" are two different things. Face it, this world is becoming more and more brown as I type. Furthermore, you are racist troll who comments on a blog. Who in the FUCK would follow you? You smell like wet dog and bologna, have no rhythm, have sick sexual fetishes, age HORRIBLY, no common sense, no sense of style, lack a culture, are bland as fuck and you can't cook or decorate for shit. And people should follow you why?

Look loser, You are probably a five foot nothing, small peened, man who lives with his mother and questions his sexuality daily. I would be willing to bet all of the change in the bottom of my purse on this. My SHUT UP!

Anonymous said...


Who cares it only a perspective and most people on the net are nothing but people who live off of there alter egos.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:27 AM : OH! Ouch! Ouch! Wait a tick, honey.Let me get my boxing gloves before we start throwing haymakers.You came at me like a spider monkey with that one (Lol). Yeah, you're right black people become more predominate everyday. Y'all sure do love fucking. Anyway, still doesn't change the fact white folks rule the world.We got to the top first and now everybody else is riding our coattails.
P.s: You say my people are unoriginal huh? But I noticed everything you said to disrespect me was a rehashed stereotype. For shame, my Nubian concubine.Also, keep your lunch money because you're 0 for 2, baby girl. Saltine 2, Mean ass Black girl 0.

Anonymous said...

@9:19 yikes!!! you know if you said that shit face to face to 1:27 you would have got that ass kicked..... and to your next comment.... gtfohwtbs.... anonymous

Anonymous said...

@ANON 9:19 pm
Um I'm not 0 for 2 because I'm not the original poster boo!! We don't all "post alike" (pun intended loser). I am a different poster who responded. And your reference to "monkey" wasn't original so try again perv. "Fucking" is a natural human need, furthermore I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy sex. But it's not fucking that is the issue, it is WHAT IS FUCKED. In your case white boy and for your people in general, it is probably someone your same gender, someone who is in diapers and/or toddler, an animal, or an inanimate object. So while everyone may like to fuck, it is the unnaturalness of your sex escapades that separates the two. In reference to riding coattails.... Le Sigh....Really?! So original (yawn). I need examples of this straw argument you are proposing before I address it. Lastly, your get to the top comment is probably true. Your race has no morals and given the right circumstances you would probably fuck your own grandmother if it would help your rise to "power". Remember your founding "fathers" were England's criminals. Do your research, saltine. Speaking of saltines, I don't eat them, because I hate crackas (pun intended).

Anonymous said...

@ 12:09 AM : Negative, unless that chick is a Storm or Laila Ali. Sweet of you to care so much, though.

@ 3:31 AM: My darling, I guess you must be one of the many black people who rarely pick up books. I said "money", not "monkey." See how the words are different? Common mistake though, I'm dyslexic myself. Anyway, if you want examples of my claim that every other race is below white people on the ladder, just look at world you and I live in. Good enough for you?
PS: Studying French, eh? I like women who are cultured and don't just rely on their looks to get by.However, you lose points by doing the same thing last poster did. By that, I mean using racial slurs as insults (SMH). You're better than that I hope, mademoiselle. Also, it tickles me that you seem to hate me but you respond to my posts faithfully. Gotcha open, do I? (smiles mischievously)

Anonymous said...

No learning disability here fucktard. Re-read your post boo- you did reference monkey (spider monkey at that douche, by the way get an original reference not one from a movie). Your insult about picking up a book is comical LMAO yawn. Again ANOTHER unoriginal yet stereotypical reference, you're AWESOME, HOW DO YOU DO IT?. The world around me fortunately is full of diversity with pasty asses being the small dysfunctional meth addicted population. There is no way I will be below a mullet wearing, drug addicted, trailer park residence who drives a huge pickup truck with Monster wheels. Nor will I be under the white bread, dockers wearing, closet homo who watches Friends, wears lace panties and jacks off to sex acts that are illegal in all corners of America except West Virginia. Lastly, I will never be under a bleached out, anorexic, flat assed leather skinned, wet goat smelling soccer mom, who pops pills chased by Vodka shots. I respond to your posts for entertainment purposes. You amuse me with your "witty banter" (this terms is used in jest). The only thing open is your mom's laptop, the one you are using to respond to me and to pleasure yourself while watching gay porn. Also, you have to be a loser only losers reference their emotional reactions in parenthesis (i.e.smiles mischievously, SMH, laughs mockingly etc.). Try this one (logs off and actually communicates with humans face to face).

Anonymous said...


You came at me like a spider monkey with that one (Lol).

LAIR! always lying...

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see. This dyslexia is a mothershutyomouth. That sentence wasn't meant as an insult.That's a reference to Talladega Nights. Anyway, there's nothing new under the sun anyway. Besides, I notice black people are the most into group think yet always claim to be the trendiest. At least us whites aren't afraid to be ourselves. I go to a black club, everyone's dancing the same way. I go to a white club, everyone's doing their own thing. Also, everyone lies,even YOU.

Anonymous said...

LOLOL @ 9:19 pm. See Anon 9:19 pm is a third poster. Dang 10:19 pm, other people are calling you out on your bullshit. I didn't even post that someone else did.
I didn't respond to your tirade @12:54 p.m. because I don't live my life behind a computer. But to carry on further.Every other race is NOT below you, you know that which is why you are carrying on this argument. You're right again at the "individuality" of white folks. Meth addicted, pill poppers, flat assed, goat cheese smelling, child molesting pedophiles are definitely in a class to themselves. As far as the "black club" comment. Really? You had no other comparison. You losers do your own thing in the club because you can't find the rhythm and/or beat. It looks like you all are having an epileptic fits. Who wants to go to a white club anyway. It would smell like wet horse ass mixed with sulfur. YUCK. Look son, log off your mom's laptop, shut down the gay porn, and look into getting that GED you've been working on for the past 15 years. Give your peen a rest and pick up a book.

Katelyn said...

Try this one (logs off and actually communicates with humans face to face).

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