Monday, May 23, 2011

No Heir to the Throne?

Prince Williams' evil stepmother Camilla Parker Bowles is blabbing to anyone who will listen that William's new bride cannot conceive.
I think this In Touch Weekly cover story crosses a line, but… I also kind of think that this is what Kate Middleton signed on for. It’s not like Kate is going to sue an American tabloid for reporting the rumor that she’s infertile. Plus, she should be able to prove everybody wrong soon enough. Anyway, the basic gist of ITW’s story is that CAMILLA has been telling everybody Kate’s fertility business. Which I could believe, because I have such a low opinion of Camilla. According to various sources, Camilla has been telling people that Kate has a history of health complications and she might not be able to conceive:

Kate’s new mother-in-law Camilla has been telling friends the royal bride has fertility problems which may prevent her from getting pregnant — according to sources. If the claims are true, the newlyweds are facing up to the fact that they may never produce an heir to the British throne!
“Health complications from Kate‘s adolescence raised red flags that may have an impact on her ability to conceive,” sources close to Camilla have told In In Touch Magazine.

The consequences would be devastating for the British monarchy. Both William, 28, and his father Prince Charles were born soon after their parents married, and the royal couple are under intense pressure to produce an heir soon.

Royal biographer Andrew Morton tells In Touch, “If Kate is not pregnant within the next nine months, she’ll be defying 200 years of British tradition.”

The last reining monarch to die without producing a legitimate heir was Will’s great-great-great-great-great uncle King William IV, more than 170 years ago!

If William does indeed die heir-less, the throne would defer to the eldest male child of his younger brother Harry.

Unlike most couples, adoption isn’t an option for William and Kate, 29 — only a biological child can be heir to the throne.

But sources tell In Touch the Duke and Duchess chose to ignore Kate’s medical problems for a marriage “based on love.”
Jacked from Cele|bitchy


Anonymous said...

what the fuck? that's the only reason royalty get married is to produce an heir! He's gonna have to Henry the 8th her....bye girl!

Anonymous said...

I ain't surprised. The English royal family has always had beef between themselves.

JeminiBish said...

lmaooo@4:17pm bwhahahahaha OFF WITH HER HEAD!!

Anonymous said...

get rid of the barren bitch! i guess they can pay a doctor handsomely to implant egg and sperm and she can carry the little reptilian....

Anonymous said...

damn did she keep this a secret all this time or what???

LMAO @ Nubia Goddess, someone needs to cut they welfare supply the working folk is tired!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Angie is eating puss left and right....that girl is hungray!

Come up and see me sometime...

Anonymous said...

Camilla is an old ho who is jealous that she'll never be queen so she is goin' after this one. Trust me, this Katie chick will conceive, even if she has to rip one of Camilla's ovaries out of her.

Buckingham Palace should be renamed Royal Bullshit Council Estate

Anonymous said...

camilla betta watch her back

CaliGirlTex said...

Camilla's just mad because all she can breed is horses.

Anonymous said...

Why is the Princes Whore even opening her mouth? Its not as if she can have human kids. Horses can't have human babies!!!

Nika said...

I don't believe that for one second. If anything I would have believed a story saying that they had her tested to see if she was "barren" before being allowed to marry the Prince. Nope, don't believe Camilla's old-ass, non-producing egg having self, NOPE!

yea i said it and said...

please this is not true. that girl was tested for everythig from fertility to ringworm. if she could not coceive she was not going to marry william.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised this has to be one of the most dysfunctional family in the world .I wouldn't be surprised if she cant have kids wasnt Dianna killed to make way for Camilla horseface, this would def be the end for the Royal family as HARRY IS NOT EVEN Charles KID SO THIS IS WHERE THE BLOODLINE ENDS

Anonymous said...

Oh please@ this story. How the heck would anyone know she can't have a child??? I highly doubt she's been trying to conceive. More than likely quite the opposite.

Anonymous said...


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